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Lift and Shift Guide – Migrating Application Data From Older SPARC Systems to Newer SPARC Systems

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Updated: February 2020

Configure the Target's Virtual Storage (Zone Virtualization)

Target system storage space is needed for the incoming application data. In this procedure, storage space is prepared on a target system that uses Oracle Solaris zones for virtualization. If the target system uses logical domain virtualization, instead see Configure the Target's Virtual Storage (Logical Domain Virtualization).

These are the key activities:

  • Provision a LUN (virtual disk)

  • Add a file system to the zone.

  • Add a zpool dataset

  1. Provision LUNs.

    The following commands create two LUNs for an Oracle Solaris 11 zone called s11zone to support the incoming application data.

    You can obtain the physical disk name (for example, /dev/rdsk/c0t6000B08414B30303130353531350167Bd0s6) from the format utility. See Determine the Data Storage Requirements.

    Note that the file system is not available until the zone is rebooted. A reboot is performed later in this procedure.

    root@Target# zonecfg -z s11zone
    zonecfg:s11zone>add device
    zonecfg:s11zone>set match=/dev/rdsk/c0t6000B08414B30303130353531350167Bd0s6
    zonecfg:s11zone>set allow-partition=true
    zonecfg:s11zone>set allow-raw-io=true
    zonecfg:s11zone>add device
    zonecfg:s11zone>set match=/dev/rdsk/c0t6000B08414B30303130353531350167Dd0s6
    zonecfg:s11zone>set allow-partition=true
    zonecfg:s11zone>set allow-raw-io=true
  2. Add a file system to a zone.

    The following commands add a raw UFS file system ( /u01) to an Oracle Solaris 11 zone called s11zone.

    Note that the file system is not available until the zone is rebooted. A reboot is performed after the zpool is added.

    root@Target# zonecfg -z s11zone
    zonecfg:s11zone> add fs
    zonecfg:s11zone> set dir=/u01
    zonecfg:s11zone> set special=/dev/md/db_set/dsk/d0
    zonecfg:s11zone> set raw=/dev/md/db_set/rdsk/d0
    zonecfg:s11zone> set type=ufs
    zonecfg:s11zone> end
    zonecfg:s11zone> commit
    zonecfg:s11zone> exit
  3. Add a zpool to the zone.
    root@Target# zonecfg -z s11zone
    zonecfg:s11zone> add dataset
    zonecfg:s11zone> set name = data
    zonecfg:s11zone> end
    zonecfg:s11zone> commit
    zonecfg:s11zone> exit
  4. From the global zone, reboot the non-global zone.
    root@Target# zoneadm -z s11zone reboot
  5. Verify the LUNs.
    root@Target# zlogin z11zone 'find /dev/*dsk'
  6. From the global zone, verify the zpool.
    root@Target# zpool list
    rpool 1.09T 200G 912G 18% 1.00x ONLINE -
    data 1.09T 284G 828G 25% 1.00x ONLINE -
  7. From the global zone, verify the file system.
    root@Target# df -k /data
    Filesystem   1024-blocks  Used       Available  Capacity  Mounted on
    data         154828800    26928890   127892854  18%       /data