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Lift and Shift Guide – Migrating Application Data From Older SPARC Systems to Newer SPARC Systems

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Updated: February 2020

Prepare Shared Storage

Several of the data migration methods in this guide make use of shared storage between the source and target systems. See Data Migration Commands. If you plan to use those methods, you can use the steps in this section to help you prepare shared storage.

In this section, a network file system (NFS) is exported from the target system and mounted by the source system. During the data migration process, the data is compressed and transferred to the shared storage, then uncompressed and transferred to the source system.

  1. Ensure that there is enough available storage capacity on the planned shared storage.

    You can use this rule of thumb:

    Take the amount of storage used by the data and divide by 2 (this takes into account that the data will be compressed). Then add 30% to that value (ensures adequate headroom).

  2. On the target control domain, create and export a file system.
    root@Target# zfs create -o mountpoint=/SharedStorage vpool/SharedStorage
    root@Target# zfs set share.nfs=on vpool/SharedStorage
    root@Target# zfs set share.nfs.root=\* vpool/SharedStorage
    root@Target# zfs set share.nfs.rw=\* vpool/SharedStorage
    root@Target# exportfs
    vpool_SharedStorage      /SharedStorage   sec=sys,root,rw
  3. As superuser on the source system, create a mount point and mount the shared storage.

    In this example, TargetControlDom:/SharedStorage is an NFS share exported from the target system.

    root@Source# mkdir /SharedStorage
    root@Source# mount -F nfs TargetControlDom:/SharedStorage /SharedStorage