The software described in this documentation is either no longer supported or is in extended support.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade to a current supported release.



A namespace that encapsulates the software installed and managed by Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment. Each environment contains at least the Kubernetes module.

Kubernetes Node

A host in an Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment that contains the Platform Agent and other required software to run as a Kubernetes cluster member, either as a master or worker node.


A module represents some installable object in an environment. The most common module is the Kubernetes module, as it is required for most other modules. A module may encapsulate other modules.


A host system that is a member of an Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment, including hosts used as Kubernetes master and worker nodes, and hosts that run the Platform API Server and Platform CLI.

Operator Node

A host in an Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment that contains the Platform CLI. This node may also be a Platform API Server node.

Platform Agent

The Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent is a software agent installed on all nodes which is used by the Platform API Server to report and change state as directed by the Platform API Server.

Platform API Server

The Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform API Server manages the state of one or more environments, including the deployment and configuration of modules to one or more nodes in a cluster.

Platform API Server Node

A host in an Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment that contains the Platform API Server. This node may also be an operator node.

Platform CLI

The Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Command-Line Interface used to create and manage deployments. The olcnectl command.