Business Processes in Company Logs and Logs Nodes

The Company Logs grouping node is in Company Workspace, and the Logs grouping node can be accessed in a project or shell. You can use the Company Logs grouping node and the Logs grouping node to access the business processes which you have permission for.

To access the business processes in Company Logs grouping node:

  1. Go to your Company Workspace (User mode).
  2. Click the Company Logs grouping node to expand and see the business processes.

To access the business processes in Logs grouping node:

  1. Go to your project or shell (User mode).
  2. Click the Logs grouping node to expand and see the business processes.

The following explains the log elements in both Company Logs and Logs grouping nodes. The logs in each grouping node are divided into two panes, left and right.

The toolbar options and columns on the left pane are:


To create a new record and subsequently add attachments, add comments, and include link to other records.


To perform the following actions:

  • Import
  • Export CSV Template
  • Export Microsoft Excel Template
  • Create From Template
  • Bulk Edit
  • Print
  • Transfer Ownership
  • Terminate Record
  • View Import Audit Log


To change the view of the log based on the following options:

  • All Records (default)
  • Records Created by Me
  • Records Received by Me
  • Records Created and received by Me
  • Records from My Company
  • Create New View
  • Manage Views

Edit View

To edit the current view.


To refresh the contents of the log.


To print or export the contents of the log.


Enables you to search in the record for a specific field.

Find on Page

Enables you to find items on the displayed page.

View Help Menu

Enables you to access the:

  • Specific help for the selected BP
  • User Productivity Kit

The tabs on the right pane are as follows. The information in each tab corresponds to the record that has been selected.

Note: Displaying a tab depends on the business process type, such as Workflow or non-Workflow.

Record Details

Enables you to see the details of the record that are selected on the left-hand page. The record details seen depend on the form that you have access to.

Workflow Progress

Enables you to see the details of the workflow progress which includes:

  • View Graphic
  • Title
  • Record Number
  • Current Step
  • BP Setup Used
  • Step Name
  • Assignee
  • Company: This column displays the assignee's company name. For Partner users, this column shows the assignee's Partner Company name.
  • Status
  • Action
  • Completion Date

You have the option of filtering (Filter By) the information displayed on the workflow progress.


Enables you to access the record attachment, if available. For each attachment, you can click the gear menu to conduct the following:

  • Open
  • Open in AutoVue (You can also open an attachment by double-clicking the name of the attachment)
  • Download

Additional View Form Accessibility in Record and Log Previews

When you view the record preview and the record details upon opening a record, the content seen depends on the form that you have access to. Your administrator may have set up restrictions to view certain form data and may have given access to a View form. This View form may be different from the View form associated with the workflow.

If you have View restrictions for multiple View forms, then the first View form from the View Forms list in the BP setup is displayed. If you do not have View restrictions, then the Step form is displayed. This is applicable for Record Owners, Record Editors, and Step Editors.

If the end form is an Action form and you have View restrictions, then the appropriate View form is displayed. However, if you do not have View restrictions, then the Action form is displayed.

If the end form is a View form and you have View restrictions, then the Restricted View form is displayed. However, if you do not have View restrictions, then the View form that is part of the end step of the workflow is displayed.

Record Content Impacted by Additional View Form Accessibility

The additional accessibility of View forms impacts all areas where you can open and view record content. These areas are listed below:

When user is an I-Step Assignee, and the record is in the I-Step (initiation step), the existing form will be seen as read-only end-form for Workflow BP records and read-only action-form for Non-workflow BP records.

If the user is an I-Step Assignee but not the creator of the record, and the record is in post-creation step, then restricted view form will be seen if the I-step Assignee has access to restricted view forms.

When I-Step Assignees have access to restricted view form, the following rules apply:

User Name

User Role

Record Status


The form that will be seen upon opening the record, as well as in the Logs (BP log) Preview.

User A

I-Step Assignee

Initiation Step

Read-only Action Form/End Form

User B

I-Step Assignee-Creator

Creation Step

Action Form

User C

I-Step Assignee-Not a Creator

Creation Step

Restricted View Form

Deleting View Forms

When you delete a View form, Unifier removes the View form from View Forms tab in the Business Process Setup window.


When you delete a View form in the Staging environment and create a new View form, the new form:

  1. Gets the ID of the deleted form (permissions, users, etc.).

    Company Workspace > Admin mode > uDesigner > Business Processes > BP ... View Forms (delete or add new one).

  2. Appears in the Business Process Setup automatically; meaning, it does not go through the regular way of creating a new form, deployment, and then added (within the BP Setup module).

    Project/Shell > User mode > Business Processes Setup > BP ... (same as above) View Forms (Deleted or added new one)

When you open a Non-Workflow Business Process, Unifier checks to see if you have the appropriate permissions, or not.

Note: There are no changes to the Permissions tab in a Non-Workflow Business Process log and Access Control.

To be able to view Non-Workflow Business Process records, you must have the following permissions:

At the Non-Workflow Business Process log level, you must have at least the "View" permission to view the record content.

The Views setting of the Permission Settings block (View Forms tab) of a Non-Workflow Business Process sets the visibility of the data (including tabs) when you open the record.

Create a New View of a Log

  1. Open the applicable log and select Create New View from the View menu.

    By default, the Columns tab is selected.

  2. From the Available Columns box, select the columns that you need and click the Move icon (the single arrow icon pointing to the right) to move your selected column to the Selected Columns box.

    The Selected Columns box contains the columns that are seen in the log view. The last column in the Selected Columns box is not available for locking.

  3. If you want all the available columns to be seen in the log view, select one column in the Available Columns box, and click the Move All icon (the double-arrow icon pointing to the right) to move all columns to the Selected Columns box.
  4. To move multiple available columns at the same time, select one column in the Available Columns box, hold down the Ctrl key, select each additional column from the Available Columns box, and then click the Move icon (the single arrow icon pointing to the right) to move all the highlighted columns to the Selected Columns box.

    You can move each column in the Selected Columns box by using the:

    • Move Up icon (the single up-arrow icon)
    • Move Down icon (the single down-arrow icon)

    You can move multiple columns in the Selected Columns box by using the:

    • Move to Top icon (the double up-arrow icon)
    • Move to Bottom icon (the double up-arrow icon)

    To lock columns in the log view or determine the number of records, or both, use the following drop-down fields in the New View window, respectively:

    • Lock after selected Column
    • Number of Records per Page
  5. Complete the Filters tab.

    If you want to view only non-workflow BP records that are in an editable state (that is, you want to exclude records that have a status such as submitted, terminal, or initiated), select the applicable options in the Record section, and then set the Show Edit Records option to equals and to Yes.

  6. Complete the Group By tab.
  7. Complete the Sort By tab.
  8. When you are done, enter a name for your view in the View Name box, and click Save.

See Also

Business Processes

Workflow and Non-workflow BPs

Business Process Types

Business Process Step Editor

Business Process Dates and Calendars

Working with Quick Calendar Entry

Business Process Forms

Completing a BP Record Form

Creation Step

Update Step

View Step

About Workflows

Auto-Populating Fields in a BP Record

Reverse Auto-Populating (RAP) Fields in a BP Record

Viewing Messages or Cc'd Tasks

Accessing a BP Record from an External System

Creating a Business Process (BP) Record

Using Microsoft Excel Template to Create BP Records and BP Line Items in Bulk

Viewing the Import Audit Log

Working with Permissions (Non-Workflow BPs)

Filling Out a Business Process Form

Saving a Draft of a Workflow Business Process

Accessing Custom Business Process Help PDF File

Adding and Managing Line Items

Restricting Line Items by Using Copy with Conditions Option

Adding and Managing Line Items Using the Grid View Feature

Adding and Managing Comments

Working with Query-Based Tabs

Working with File Attachments and Markups

About Linking Business Process Records to other Business Process Records

Working with Linked Mail

Attaching External Emails from the Project or Shell Mailbox to a Record

Sending Attachments for E-Signature

Adding or Viewing a Map (Geocoding)

Adding an Image

Adding or Updating a Hyperlink

Viewing Referencing Records

Participating in a Workflow

About Email Notifications for Business Processes

Managing Business Process Records

Printing and Distributing BP Forms

Auto-Populating BP Data Picker on BP Auto-Creation

Updates on Document Attributes for Business Processes

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023