Accessing a BP Record from an External System

The system provides a data element for business processes that can display a URL for access to Unifier from an external system. If the business process contains this URL field, you can open a view-only copy of the record from that external system.

For example, you might have notifications from the system that are sent to email programs, such as Microsoft Outlook or Yahoo Mail. From that email program, you could open a view-only copy of the business process. Or, you might have an approval process that resides outside of the system. At a certain point in the workflow, the business process record data could be sent from Unifier to that external approval process. From that external system, you could open a view-only copy of the business process record.

Note: If this business process created records before this URL field was added to the form, those records will not show data in the URL field. Only new records will show data in the URL field. Any business process designed to be opened from an external system must be available in the Master Log - Business Processes grouping node.

To open a business process from an external system

You must be an active member of the project, shell, or sub-shell, and have at least view permission to the Master Log - Business Processes grouping node that lists/contains the business process record you want to view.

Use the URL to access Unifier. This URL will open the Sign In window. After you are signed in, the system will display the business process record in view-only mode.

Note: If the system has been configured to sign in users using single sign-on (SSO), the Sign In window will not appear.

Depending on what permissions you have, you can take the following actions from this view-only copy of the record:

See Also

Business Processes

Workflow and Non-workflow BPs

Business Process Types

Business Process Step Editor

Business Process Dates and Calendars

Working with Quick Calendar Entry

Business Process Forms

Completing a BP Record Form

Creation Step

Update Step

View Step

About Workflows

Auto-Populating Fields in a BP Record

Reverse Auto-Populating (RAP) Fields in a BP Record

Viewing Messages or Cc'd Tasks

Business Processes in Company Logs and Logs Nodes

Creating a Business Process (BP) Record

Using Microsoft Excel Template to Create BP Records and BP Line Items in Bulk

Viewing the Import Audit Log

Working with Permissions (Non-Workflow BPs)

Filling Out a Business Process Form

Saving a Draft of a Workflow Business Process

Accessing Custom Business Process Help PDF File

Adding and Managing Line Items

Restricting Line Items by Using Copy with Conditions Option

Adding and Managing Line Items Using the Grid View Feature

Adding and Managing Comments

Working with Query-Based Tabs

Working with File Attachments and Markups

About Linking Business Process Records to other Business Process Records

Working with Linked Mail

Attaching External Emails from the Project or Shell Mailbox to a Record

Sending Attachments for E-Signature

Adding or Viewing a Map (Geocoding)

Adding an Image

Adding or Updating a Hyperlink

Viewing Referencing Records

Participating in a Workflow

About Email Notifications for Business Processes

Managing Business Process Records

Printing and Distributing BP Forms

Auto-Populating BP Data Picker on BP Auto-Creation

Updates on Document Attributes for Business Processes

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023