Using Document Sequencing with Various Transactions

This section describes how document sequencing affects various transactions and activities in PeopleSoft Payables processing.

To create accounting transactions and document sequencing, you:

  • Enter vouchers with document sequencing.

  • Close vouchers with document sequencing.

  • Unpost and repost vouchers with document sequencing.

  • Delete vouchers with document sequencing.

  • Create payments with document sequencing.

  • Create manual payments with document sequencing.

  • Cancel payments with document sequencing.

  • Create manual drafts with document sequencing.

  • Write-off drafts with document sequencing.

  • Use document sequencing with interunit transactions.

  • Process cash clearing entries with document sequencing.

  • Use document sequencing with revaluation entries.

Page Name

Definition Name


Invoice Information - Document Sequence Page


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Close Voucher - Document Sequence Page


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Unpost Voucher - Document Sequence Page


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Unpost Voucher - Document Sequence Page


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Delete Voucher - Delete Document Page


After you click the Delete button, enter a deletion reason. The deletion reason is required if you are using the Document Sequencing feature.

Pay Cycle Manager Page


Run and manage the Pay Cycle process, from payment selection through output processing (printing checks and advices, producing electronic file transfer (EFT) files, and so forth). Transfer to the pay cycle exceptions pages and pay cycle detail and summary data pages, where you can handle exceptions and hold, exempt, or separate payments. View the status and results of the Pay Cycle process.

Express Payment Page


Create a payment for one or multiple vouchers for one specific supplier.

Voucher - Payment Page


Record a manually issued payment by changing the schedule payment Action field value to Record.

Click the Doc Seq (document sequence) link to override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Manual Pay SelectionCreating Manual Payments with Document Sequencing


Enter criteria to build the manual payment worksheet.

On the Man Pay Worksheet (manual payment worksheet) page, enter the manual payment information.

On the Apply Voucher page, apply scheduled vouchers to the manual payment.

Canceling Payments with Document Sequencing


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Manual Draft Entry - Document Sequence Page


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Draft Write Off - Document Sequence Page


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Use the Invoice Information - Document Sequence page (DOC_SEQ_AP_SEC) to override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Invoice Information

Click the Document Sequencing link on the Invoice Information page.

When you enter a voucher online that is associated with a business unit setup for document sequencing, a document sequencing link appears on the Invoice Information page, enabling you to access the Document Sequence page. On that page, you can override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Field or Control


Document Type

The system automatically assigns the default document type for each transaction based on your setup. You can override this setting by selecting a new value from the available types.

Journal Code

Displays the associated journal code for the selected document type. This field is display only.

Document Sequence Number

Displays NEXT until you save the transaction if you have opted to use automatic numbering. When you save the transaction, the system assigns the next available sequence number. If you have not opted to use automatic numbering, use this field to enter the document sequence number.

Document Sequence Date

When you save the transaction, the system automatically records the current date in the Document Sequence Date field.

Note: The Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD) assigns the document type, document sequence number, and document sequence date as part of its process.

Use the Close Voucher - Document Sequence page (DOC_SEQ_CLOSE_SEC) to override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Close Voucher

Click the Document Sequencing link on the Close Voucher page.

Voucher closure creates a new document sequence number and document sequence date for the closure accounting entries that are created by the Voucher Posting process. If you are using the online Close Voucher component (VCHR_CLOSE), you can access a document sequence page, where you can override the default document type and enter a manual document sequence number.

When you save the Close Voucher component, the online document sequencing routines are invoked. If the edit is successful, a row is inserted into the VCHR_DOC_SEQ_HDR table for the closure event. This row contains the document type, document sequence number and the document sequence date for the closure event. When the Voucher Posting process processes the closed voucher, it copies this new document sequence information to the closure accounting entries.

Regardless of the voucher type and closure method you use—either closing individual vouchers using Close Voucher page, or closing multiple vouchers using the Mass Maintenance component (VCHR_MASS_MAINT)—the system writes to VCHR_DOC_SEQ_HDR table. When you use the Mass Maintenance component, you can enter comments that the system applies to all the vouchers included in a single closure event.

Note: The Close Voucher page is used to mark the voucher for closure. The voucher is closed when you run the Voucher Posting process.

Note: If you are using document sequencing and have saved the voucher on the Close Voucher page with the Close check box selected, you cannot access the voucher again to reopen it.

Use the UnPost Voucher - Document Sequence page (DOC_SEQ_UNPST_SEC) to override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > UnPost Voucher

Click the Unpost Document Sequencing link on the UnPost Voucher page.

When you unpost a voucher, the Voucher Posting process:

  • Creates reversal accounting entries for any vouchers with document sequence numbers, regardless of whether the vouchers have been distributed to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

  • Creates a new document sequence number and document sequence date for the reversing accounting entries that it generates.

  • Creates a new accrual document sequence number for the unposted voucher.

    If the unposted voucher is reposted, the Voucher Posting process creates new accounting entries with the new accrual document sequence number and date, based on the setup specified on the Procurement Control - Document Types page.

In the UnPost Voucher component, you can access two document sequence pages for processing document sequencing as part of unpost and repost.

Field or Control


Unpost Document Sequencing

Click this link to override the default document type and number for unposting. When you click the Unpost button on the UnPost Voucher page and click OK, the system creates reversing accounting entries with a new document sequence number.

Repost Document Sequencing

Click this link to override the default document type and number for reposting. When you run the Voucher Posting process to repost this voucher, the system creates new accounting entries with a new document sequence number.

Use the Delete Voucher - Delete Document page (SEQ_NBR_DEL_TBL) to after you click the Delete button, enter a deletion reason.

The deletion reason is required if you are using the Document Sequencing feature.


Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Delete Voucher

A prompt appears when you click the Delete button in the Delete Voucher component.

Enter a document delete reason in the Long Description field. This page appears and a document delete reason is required when document sequencing is enabled for the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit.

You can create payments in a batch process or online.

For batch processing, access the Pay Cycle Manager page to run the Payment Creation process to create payments. This process generates document sequence numbers for these payments. The Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT) then copies the document sequence numbers generated during the Payment Creation process to the payment accounting entries.

For online payment processing, you can record a manual payment in the Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS), create a manual payment, or access the Express Payment page to create a payment for one or multiple vouchers for one specific supplier. These online processes create payments and generate document sequence numbers. The Payment Posting process then copies the document sequence numbers generated during online payment processing to the payment accounting entries.

You can create manual payments using online voucher entry or through the Manual Payment feature.

Record a manual payment in the online voucher entry component by selecting Record as the payment action for the scheduled payment on the Voucher - Payments page. Payment posting, reissuing, closing, and voiding work the same as they do for payments created with the Pay Cycle process.

Use the Manual Payment Creation feature to create manual payments. You create a payment, but you apply it to existing vouchers rather than creating a voucher specifically for the payment. Payment posting, reissuing, closing, and voiding work the same as they do for payments created with the Pay Cycle process. However, for payments canceled with the option to close the liability, the Payment Posting process generates new document sequence numbers instead of copying them from another table.

Use the Cancel Payment - Document Sequence page (DOC_SEQ_CANCEL_SEC) to override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Cancel/Void Payments > Payment Cancellation > Cancel Payment

Click the Document Sequencing link on the Cancel Payment page.

Use the Payment Cancellation component (PYMNT_CANCEL) to cancel individual payments, or you can use the Mass Payment Cancellation component (AP_PMT_MASS_CNL) to cancel multiple payments. Regardless of the component you use, you can override the document type for the cancellation accounting entries and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Payment cancellation creates a new document sequence number and date for the cancellation accounting entries that are created by the Payment Posting process. Payment posting also generates new closure document sequence numbers for all the vouchers that are associated with the canceled payment with the option to close the liability.

If you choose to undo a payment cancellation for a payment with a document sequence number by selecting Undo Cancel on the Payment Cancellation page or the Mass Payment Cancellation page, the following warning message appears: Undo Cancel requires deletion of document sequence number Proceed? (7015,209) Undo Cancel requires deletion of document sequence number. Proceed?

If you click OK, the Delete Document - Document Deletion Reason dialog box appears.

Note: This is possible only if you have not run the Payment Posting process on the payment.

Use the Manual Draft Creation - Document Sequence page (DOC_SEQ_PY_REC_SEC) to override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Create Manual Draft > Manual Draft Creation

Click the Document Sequencing link on the Manual Draft Creation page.

You can override the document type for the draft accounting entries and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

When you create manual drafts for a bank that is tied to a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit enabled for document sequencing, the system assigns the draft that you create a document sequence type, document sequence number, and date.

Use the Draft Write Off - Document Sequence page (DOC_SEQ_PY_REC_SEC) to override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Drafts > Draft Write-Off

Click the Document Sequencing link on the Draft Write Off page.

The Document Sequence page that you access from the Draft Write Off page is the same as the Document Sequence page that you access from the Manual Draft Worksheet component.

You can override the document type for the draft write off accounting entries and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

When you are writing off drafts for a bank that is tied to a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit enabled for document sequencing, the system assigns the draft that you are writing off a document sequence type, document sequence number, and date.

This section discusses how to:

  • Process cash clearing entries with document sequencing.

  • Use document sequencing with revaluation entries.

Interunit Vouchers

In some cases, the charged-to distribution (PeopleSoft General Ledger) business unit for a voucher is different from the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit related to the vouchering (PeopleSoft Payables) business unit. The accounting entries created for this type of voucher by the Voucher Posting process go to more than one PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit. This type of transaction is called an interunit voucher. Because document sequencing is based on the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit, document sequencing is more complex.

If the voucher's Payables business unit is related to a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit enabled for document sequencing, then the Voucher Posting process assigns the voucher accounting entries for that PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit, the document sequence type, and number.

The Voucher Posting process sequences the interunit accounting entries for any applicable PeopleSoft General Ledger business units separately. The Voucher Posting process takes the document type from the default accrual interunit document type specified on the Procurement Control - Document Types page for those PeopleSoft General Ledger business units.

Note: This document type must be set to auto-numbering because the interunit accounting entries are created during the Voucher Posting process without any user interaction.

Interunit Payments

Interunit payments occur when a payment is created for a bank that is tied to a different PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit than the associated voucher's Payables business unit.

When the Payment Posting process creates accounting entries for an interunit payment, it:

  • Assigns to the accounting entries, which go to the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit of the payment's bank, the document sequence type, and number generated at the time the payment was created.

  • Sequences the other accounting entries to the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit tied to the associated voucher's Payables business unit separately, taking the default payment interunit document type specified on the Procurement Control - Document Types page.

Note: This document type must be set for auto-numbering, because the interunit accounting entries are created during the Payment Posting process without any user interaction.

For accounting entries created by cash clearing, the Cash Clearing Application Engine process (AP_CSHCLR) creates a new document sequence number and updates the cash clearing accounting entries with the new document sequence data. The cash clearing document type appears by default from the setup specified on the Procurement Control - Document Types page.

For accounting entries that are created by revaluation, the PS/AP Revaluation Application Engine process (AP_REVALUE) creates a new document sequence number for the revaluation accounting entries on the revaluation accounting line (RVL_ACCTG_LN_AP). The revaluation document type appears by default from the setup specified on the Procurement Control - Document Types page.

Note: If you run revaluation in PeopleSoft Payables rather than in PeopleSoft General Ledger, the process occurs at a specified level of detail. If you run the process in PeopleSoft Payables for the accounts that you use here, do not run the General Ledger revaluation against the same account balances in PeopleSoft General Ledger; if you do, you will be double counting.