PeopleSoft Purchasing Report Details

This section lists common elements and provides detailed information about individual reports including important fields and tables accessed. The reports are listed alphanumerically by report ID.

Field or Control


Rel (release)

If the purchase order is tied to a contract, the contract release number appears.

PO Status (purchase order status)

Displays the status of the purchase order: Approved, Canceled, Completed, Dispatched, Initial, Open, or Pending Approval.

EmplID (employee ID)

Displays the procurement card user's name along with the user's ID.

Credit Card

Select the supplier responsible for issuing the card. Typically, this supplier is a bank.

CC Account (credit card account)

Enter the credit card account number.

Currency Code

Select the currency code. The report contains transactions with the selected currency code.

Date From

Select the start point of the transaction date range.


Select the end point of the transaction date range.

This report provides line group item quantities and amounts awarded, released, and remaining for events. You can sort the report in this order: by business unit, event ID, line group ID, supplier ID for purchase order and finally by contract document type. Because the report elements have different data structures, they are separate. The system totals the amounts for each document.

Along with header details, the system provides item information such as the quantities and amounts awarded and released and the remaining amounts for each item.

Field or Control


Event ID

Displays the sourcing event ID along with the round and version numbers.

Line Grouping ID

A line group is a bundle of items that buyers use in PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing to obtain better pricing for items. Other values in the report such as the amount released, awarded and remaining apply to the corresponding line group ID and document.

Purchasing Business Unit

Displays the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit in which the line grouping is defined. A business unit is an operational subset of the organization that tracks and maintains its own set of requisitions and purchase orders.

Document Type

Displays the type of document. Values include: Requisition, Purchase Order, RTV, RFQ, Receipt, Work Order, MSR, and Contract.

Document ID

Displays the system identifier and short description for the document.

Supplier ID

Displays the supplier to which the event was awarded.

Buyer ID

Displays the buyer for sourcing event ID along with the round and version numbers.

Field or Control


Payment Terms

If you are using a procurement card or a supplier card as the payment method for the purchase order, ProCard appears in this field.

Procurement Card Information

Depending on the procurement card dispatch option you select different procurement card information will appear on this report. The procurement card information appears under the Bill To information in the header portion of the report. For example: Procurement Card: *********7777 Card Type: Visa Expires: 2100-01-01

Replenishment Option

Displays whether the items on the purchase order are standard or stockless. Each purchase order contains either all standard or all stockless items.

Extended Amt (extended amount)

The schedule price multiplied by the schedule quantity. This is the merchandise amount of the schedule. It does not include other amounts associated with the schedule, such as freight and tax. This is in the transaction currency on the purchase order that you send to the supplier.

Total Amount

The total amount that can be ordered against the contract line.

Total Quantity

The total (maximum) quantity that can be ordered against the contract line.

Field or Control


PO Status

Status of the purchase order after you run the process.

Budget Status

Status of the budget check that you performed on the purchase order.

Budget Ln Status (budget line status)

Status of the budget check performed on the purchase order line.

Field or Control


Include Cancelled POs?

Check to include canceled purchase orders on the report.

Include Open/Pending Appr POs?

Check to include purchase orders that are still open or pending approval.

The line amounts will be zero for canceled, open, and pending approval purchase orders.


Select beginning and ending dates. Values are:

C (current date): Report purchase order activity beginning and ending with the current date.

M (current date minus days): Report purchase order activity beginning and ending with the date that is a specified number of days before the current date. Specify that number in the Nbr Days field.

N (no selection by date): Date criteria not used to report purchase order activity.

P (current date plus days): Report purchase order activity beginning and ending with the date that is a specified number of days after the current date. Specify the number in the Nbr Days field.

S (specified date): Report purchase order activity beginning and ending with the date that you select in the Date field.

Field or Control


Only Those Needing Review

Select to report only on acknowledgments not yet identified as Reviewed.

Exceptions Only

Select to report only on acknowledgments for which the status indicates that the supplier has changed the purchase order.


Select the beginning and ending dates for which you want to report acknowledgments. Values are:

C (current date): Report received acknowledgments beginning and ending with the current date.

M (current date minus days): Report received acknowledgments beginning and ending with the date that is a specified number of days before the current date. Specify that number in the Nbr Days field.

N (no selection by date): Date criteria not used to report acknowledgments.

S (specified date): Report received acknowledgments beginning and ending with the date that you select in the Date field.

POA Status

Acknowledgment status for the purchase order.

Line Status

Acknowledgment status for the line.

For more information about the PO Rollover Exception List Sort by PO, see the PO Rollover Exception List Sort by Type report description.

See PO_POROLLEXP - PO Rollover Exception List Sort by PO.

Field or Control


Supplier ID

Enter the supplier SetID in the first field and the supplier ID in the second.

Print Schedules

Select to have the report generate detail to the schedule level.

Note: PeopleSoft SCM applications do not support the printing of bar codes from processes running on OS390 servers. You should run your SQRs that print barcodes on a process scheduler server that is running on a non-OS390 operation system.

Note: Define ship to locations for all purchasing transactions at the schedule level.

Field or Control


Production ID

If the item is associated with a PeopleSoft Manufacturing production kit, this field displays the item's associated production identification number.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

The order number in which this material is used in the production sequence.

Field or Control


Supplier ID

Enter the supplier SetID in the first field and the supplier ID in the second.

Print Schedules

Select to generate detail that includes the schedule level on the report.

Note: PeopleSoft SCM applications do not support the printing of bar codes from processes running on OS390 servers. You should run your SQRs that print barcodes on a process scheduler server that is running on a non-OS390 operation system.

Note: Define ship to locations for all purchasing transactions at the schedule level.

Field or Control


Open Quantity

Quantity of the purchase order line (or schedule) that has not been received. This is the purchase order quantity minus the receipt quantities.

Production ID

If the item is associated with a PeopleSoft Manufacturing production kit, this is the item's associated production ID.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

The order number in which this material is used in the production sequence.


Indicates if the line or schedule is pegged.

Before you run the Receipt Accrual report:

  • Put away all inventory receipts.

  • Run the AP/PO Matching process in PeopleSoft Payables.

  • To ensure correspondence with amounts in the general ledger, run inventory costing, accounting line creation, and journal generation for inventory.

    Also run Posting in PeopleSoft Payables.

  • Run the accrual process for non-inventory items.

If you are including landed costs in this report, match and post the vouchers, and run the landed cost extract.

Field or Control


GL Business Unit

Select this option and enter a business unit to report on receipts for a specific business unit. If you do not enter a specific business unit, you will report on all GL business units.

Recv BU

Select this option and enter a business unit to report on receipts for a specific receiving unit. If you do not enter a specific business unit, you will report on all receiving business units.


Enter the ChartField by which to sort the report. The default is by account.

ChartField Value 1 and ChartField Value 2

Then enter ChartField values in order to limit the report to a specific range for that ChartField. To report on all values, leave the range fields blank.

You can sort by more than one ChartField.

Field or Control


All Unprocessed Receipts

Select to produce a flat file including items on all unprocessed receipts. The system retrieves all lines in the RECV_LN_DISTRIB table that have not been processed (LOC_RECV_LBL_FLG = N) for usage label generation.


Select to reprint a report including items on a specific flat file. In addition, you may reprint labels according to values that you entered in the Receipt ID and Receipt Line fields, or according to entries in the RECV_LN_DISTRIB table with a LOC_RECV_LBL_FLG = Y.

Receipt ID

If you selected the Reprint option, enter the receipt number for which to reprint labels.

Receipt Line

If you selected the Reprint option and have entered a receipt ID, enter the receipt line number associated with the item for which to reprint labels.

Item Usage Label Format

Select a label format ID from the available options. You define this value on the Data Collection Label Setup page.

Number of Copies

Enter the number of sets of labels to print.

Override File

Select to designate that this report file is to override an existing flat file.

File Directory

Enter the file directory that contains the file to override with the current flat file.

File Name

Enter the name of the file to override with the current flat file.

When items are delivered to a receiving dock, they are either put away in inventory storage or delivered to a point-of-use location. This process enables you to create a flat file to print item usage labels for items that are delivered to point-of-use locations directly upon receiving.

Only items that are defined at the par location level or SetID item level as being usage tracked with a method code of track for billing or track for costing cause labels to be printed. The labels are created in the item's standard unit of measure.

The fields on this report are the same as those found on the Item Usage Label report.

Field or Control


Include Inactive Items

Select to include items that are restricted to warehouse movement transactions, adjustments, RMA and RTV transactions, and receiving transactions.

Field or Control



Click to display multiple rows for each column in the ChartField Selection area and default Sequence field values. When you click Refresh, the button name changes to Restore, and you can click it to restore the default view of ChartField Selection area.


The sequence in which ChartFields appear on the report.

Include CF (include ChartField)

Select to generate a report on the ChartField and values that you selected in this row.

Field or Control



Select to report on purchase orders that are pending.

Mid Roll

Select to report on purchase orders for which you have run the PO Roll1 process.

Roll Completed

Select to report on purchase orders for which you have run the PO Roll1 process and the PO Roll2 process. As a result, new distributions are ready to be budget checked.


Select to report on purchase orders that are in roll error.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Displays the business unit to which this report applies.

Search ID

Displays the search ID that you selected for the report.

Report Sort Order

The report can be sorted by exception type or purchase order number.

Exception Type

Displays the rollover error and information associated with the error sorted by exception type. For each rollover error type, the report displays the error title and information using these rules:

  • Invalid budget status on PO.

  • Invalid budget status on voucher.

  • Invalid budget status on PO and voucher.

  • Invalid budget status on PO and receipt partially vouchered.

  • Invalid budget status on PO and voucher and receipt partially vouchered.

  • One receipt is partially vouchered.

  • Invalid budget status on voucher and receipt partially vouchered.


Displays the purchase order business unit.

PO Amount

Displays the amount of the purchase order.

Business Unit

Displays the purchase order business unit.

Document ID

Displays the document ID which can be a voucher or receipt.

Document Amount

Displays the amount for the purchase order.

The Requisition Print SQR report provides information about contracts that were used in the pricing of the requisition. On the report, the status of the requisition appears next to the business unit in the header portion of the report:

  • Open: The requisition has been saved, but an authorized user must change its status to Pending Approval for the process to continue.

  • Pending Approval

  • Approved

  • Canceled

  • Completed

If you have a requisition that has several lines and only a few of the lines are approved, this requisition will print on the report. On the report, the overall status for the requisition will display as SEE LINES. The individual line status will appear in the report detail section for the approved lines.

Field or Control


Requester Signature

The person who submitted the requisition can sign here for purposes of accountability.

Procurement Card, Card Type, and Expires

If applicable, the procurement card number, type, and expiration date will appear in the header portion of the report under the Requestor Signature field.


An asterisk will appear next to the requisition line and schedule if that line is to be paid by a procurement card.

Extended Amt (extended amount)

The merchandise amount of the schedule is the schedule price multiplied by the schedule quantity. It does not include other amounts associated with the schedule, such as freight and tax. This is in the transaction currency on the purchase order that you send to the supplier.

Field or Control


Freight Terms

If freight terms apply to this return to vendor, this field shows the applicable terms according to the schedules of the purchase order for the received material. The freight terms reflect who holds legal responsibility for the material until ownership has passed.

UM (unit of measure)

Unit of measure of the quantity being returned.


Return action for the item.


Disposition assigned to the item being returned.


Return reason for the item.

Ship Via

Route or mode of transportation of the shipment assigned to the returned material.

Amounts are reported in the base currency of the general ledger business unit associated with the selected purchasing business unit.

ChartField types and values are reported based on your selections on the Req-PO Budgetary Activity page.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Purchasing business unit for which the report was run.

Budget Date From/To

Budget dates for which the report was run. The budget dates do not necessarily correspond to a budget period.

Remaining Amount (at the report header level)

Distribution remaining amount criteria against which the report was run.

PO ID (purchase order ID)

Purchase order for which information is reported.

Line/Sched/Dist (line/schedule/distribution)

Report processing checks the Purchase Order Line Distribution tables and selects lines, schedules, and distributions for which the following criteria are met:

The business unit and budget date on the line meet report request parameters.

The report provides information for distribution lines with budget line statuses of V (valid) or W (warning).

The line meets defined ChartField criteria, if any.

Original PO Amount (original purchase order amount)

Original purchase order distribution amount.

Liquidated Amount

The liquidated amount is calculated from the original purchase order amount less the remaining amount.

Note: You should define a default commitment control ledger group on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page. The liquidated amount on the report is derived from the KK_LIQUIDATION table using the distribution's general ledger business unit and its default commitment control ledger group. The liquidated amount on the report is set to zero if you have not selected a default commitment control ledger group.

Remaining Amount (at the report line level)

The remaining amount is calculated using the default commitment control ledger group associated with the general ledger business unit on the purchase order distribution line, the ledger group in the BU_LED_GRP_TBL table, and the setting of the Commitment Detail Ledger option on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page.

If you select the Commitment Detail Ledger option, the remaining amount is derived from KK_LIQUIDATION.MONETARY_AMT.

If the Commitment Detail Ledger option is not selected, the remaining amount is derived from PO_LN_DISTRIB.MONETARY_AMT_BSE.

Vouchered Amount

Sum of the vouchered amount associated with the purchase order distribution line.


The report provides totals for original purchase order amount, liquidated amount, remaining amount, and vouchered amount values.

Amounts are reported in the base currency of the general ledger business unit associated with the selected purchasing business unit.

ChartField types and values are reported based on your selections on the Req-PO Budgetary Activity page and on data stored in the REQ_LN_DISTRIB table.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Purchasing business unit for which the report was run.

Budget Date From/To

Budget dates for which the report was run. The budget dates do not necessarily correspond to a budget period.

Remaining Amount (at the report header level)

Distribution remaining amount criteria against which the report was run.

REQ ID (requisition ID)

Requisition for which information is reported.

Line/Sched/Dist (line/schedule/distribution)

Report processing checks the Requisition Line Distribution tables and selects lines, schedules, and distributions for which the following criteria are met:

The business unit and budget date on the line meet report request parameters.

The report provides information for distribution lines with budget line statuses of V (valid) or W (warning).

The line meets defined ChartField criteria, if any.

Original REQ Amount (original requisition amount)

Original requisition distribution amount.

Liquidated Amount

The liquidated amount is calculated from the original requisition amount less the remaining amount.

Note: You should define a default commitment control ledger group on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page. The liquidated amount on the report is derived from the KK_LIQUIDATION table using the distribution's general ledger business unit and its default commitment control ledger group. The liquidated amount on the report is set to zero if you have not selected a default commitment control ledger group.

Remaining Amount (at the report line level)

The remaining amount is calculated using the default commitment control ledger group associated with the general ledger business unit on the requisition distribution line, the ledger group in the BU_LED_GRP_TBL table, and the setting of the Commitment Detail Ledger option on the Ledgers for a Unit - Commitment Control Options page.

If you select the Commitment Detail Ledger option, the remaining amount is derived from KK_LIQUIDATION.MONETARY_AMT.

If the Commitment Detail Ledger option is not selected, the remaining amount is derived from REQ_LN_DISTRIB.MONETARY_AMT_BSE.

PO Amount

Sum of the MONETARY_AMT_BSE field values from the purchase order distribution lines associated with the requisition distribution line.


The report provides totals for original requisition amount, liquidated amount, remaining amount, and PO amount values.

This report provides basic information for the purchase order, such as its status, date, payment and freight terms, and buyer.

The printed version of this report displays online and provides basic information for the purchase order, such as its status, date, payment and freight terms, and buyer. To create the printed version, click the View Printable Version link on the Purchase Order page.

This report provides a listing of expedited purchase orders sorted by buyers. Report details include the range of due dates included in the report, a listing of all purchase orders, the supplierss, and item descriptions. You can also run the report for all business units or limit the report to a range of business units.

This report provides a listing of expedited purchase orders sorted by supplier. Report details include the range of due dates included in the report, a listing of all purchase orders and buyers, and item descriptions. You can also run the report for all business units or limit the report to a range of business units.

This report provides a listing of expedited purchase orders by due date. Details include the range of dates included in the report and number of days past the due date that a purchase order is late. You can also run the report for all business units or limit the report to a range of business units.

This report provides a listing of purchase orders details sorted by business unit and then by purchase order dates. Details include the range of purchase order dates included in the report, purchase order IDs, items, prices, and any contract information. You can run the report for all business units or limit the report to a range of business units.

This report provides purchase order details sorted by supplier SetID and then by supplier ID. Report details include the business unit, purchase orders, dates and line information and item descriptions. You can also run the report for all business units or limit the report to a range of business units.

This report provides purchase order details sorted by supplier SetID and then by supplier ID. Report details include the business unit, purchase orders, dates and line information and item descriptions. You can also run the report for all business units or limit the report to a range of business units.

When you run this report, a business unit is required, and the system prompts you for a business unit if one is not entered. The report is sorted by business unit, then by purchase order ID. It additionally sorts requisitions associated with purchase orders. Report details include purchase order and requisition information.

When you run this report, a business unit is required. The system displays a message to enter a business. The report is sorted by business unit and then by the ship to business unit. Report details include the receipt ID, date, and status; supplier ID and name; and carrier ID.

When you run this report, a business unit is required. The system displays a message to enter a business. The report provides a listing of receipts sorted by business unit and receipt date. Report details include the range of receipts (receiver) included in the report and additional details about the receipt items.

When you run this report, a business unit is required. The system displays a message to enter a business. Report details include the range of receipt dates included in the report and is sorted first by business unit and then by receipt (receiver) date.

Provides a detailed list of shipments by receiver ID, including deliveries made through the Mobile Inventory Management application.

When you run this report, a business unit is required. If you leave the Business Unit field blank, the report will be blank.

If you leave the From Date and Through Date fields blank, all requisitions are included.

Field or Control


Max Amount (maximum amount)

The maximum amount of the contract.

Note: The contract must not exceed the contract maximum amount.

Note: Define ship to locations for all purchasing transactions at the schedule level.

Field or Control


Rcv Date (receiving date)

The date on which you physically received the shipment.

Rcv Status (receiving status)

The status of the shipment.

Match Status

The matching status of the receipt line item. Values are:

Matched: Fully matched.

No Match: No match found.

Partial: Partially matched.

To Match: To be matched.

Bill Of Lading

The shipper's proof of identification of the material in transit.

Hold Asset

Indicates whether the system is currently processing asset information for this receipt or holding until you clear Hold Asset on the Receipt Defaults page.

Y (yes) indicates that Hold Asset is selected for this receipt. N (no) indicates that Hold Asset is not selected for this receipt.

Hold Inventory

Indicates whether the system is currently processing inventory and putaway information for this receipt or holding until you clear Hold Inventory on the Receipt Defaults page.

Y (yes) indicates that Hold Inventory is selected for this receipt. N (no) indicates that Hold Inventory is not selected for this receipt.

Note: You can no longer select Hold Inventory for a receipt after that receipt has a status of Moved.

Field or Control


Rcv Status (receiving status)

The status of the shipment.

Field or Control


GL BU (general ledger business unit)

The PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit associated with the selected distribution.


The identification number of the product group to which the selected distribution line item belongs.

Field or Control


Bill of Lading

Displays the shipper's proof of identification of the material in transit.

Recv Ln (receiving line)

Displays the receipt line number.

PO HDR Comment/PO LINE Comment

Displays the header and line comments entered on the purchase order with the Shown at Receipt option selected.

Field or Control


Production ID

If the item is associated with a PeopleSoft Manufacturing production kit, the system displays the item's associated production ID in this field.

Operation Sequence

The order number in which this material is used in the production sequence.

WC Description (work center description)

Description of the selected work center.

Bill of Lading

The shipper's proof of identification of the material in transit.

Recv Ln (receiving line)

The identification number of the line on the receipt.

Field or Control


RTV ID (return to vendor)

Select a Return To Vendor ID in combination with a business unit to run a report for an individual return.

Return Status

Select a return status to run a report for all vendor returns having a specific return status and business unit.

Freight Terms

If freight terms apply to this return to vendor, this field shows the applicable terms according to the schedules of the purchase order for the received material. The freight terms reflect who holds legal responsibility for the material until ownership has passed.

Disp Type (disposition type)

Disposition assigned to the item being returned.

Prod ID (production ID)

If the item is associated with a production kit, this field displays the item's associated production ID.

OP Seq (operation sequence)

Number designating the sequence in which production uses this material.

Ship Via

Route or mode of transportation for the shipment line assigned to the returned material. The ship via can differ line to line if for some reason an item requires a different method of shipping. For example, a shipment line may require a ship via for a hazard-controlled item.