Understanding Delivered Pivot Grids

PeopleSoft Pivot Grid supports operational dashboard reporting within the PeopleTools framework to provide a pivot table and chart representation of data using PSQuery data source. The framework also enables users to see different views of the data.

This table lists delivered Pivot Grids for PeopleSoft FSCM.


Pivot Grid Title

Link to Topic

Accounts Payable

Voucher Status

Liability Exposure by Supplier

Pay Cycle Summary Metric

Past Due Aging


Scheduled Due Aging

Understanding the Payables WorkCenter - Queries Pagelet

Accounts Payable

Invoice Creation Time

Voucher Approval Cycle Time

Average Payment Days

Team Metrics

Voucher Volume

Payments by Type

Late Payments

Cancelled Payments

Voucher on Hold

Vouchers Deleted

Supplier Metrics

Using Operation Metrics in Payables

Accounts Receivable

Customer Aging

Top Customer Balances

Payments by Status

Posting Errors by Type

Items by Status

Using the PeopleSoft Classic Receivables Dashboard

Accounts Receivable

Comprehensive Customer View (Compare Mode)

Classic: Comprehensive Customer View Page (Comparison Mode)

Fluid: Working with Pivot Grids in The Fluid Comprehensive Customer View

Accounts Receivable

Customer Aging Analysis

Customer Items Balance Analysis

Customer Dispute Amount Analysis

Customer Overdue Amount Analysis

Customer Write-Off Analysis

Customer Aging Analysis Pagelet

Customer Items Balance Analysis Pagelet

Customer Dispute Amount Analysis Pagelet

Customer Overdue Amount Analysis Pagelet

Customer Write-Off Analysis Pagelet

Accounts Receivable

Dispute Resolution Cycle Time

Past Due Items Assignments

Doubtful Items

On-Account Payments

Customer Aging

DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) Trend

Unapplied Payments

Using Operation Metrics in Receivables

Asset Management

Accounting Entry not Journal Generated

Asset Acquisition by Category

Asset Depreciation by Category

Asset Retirements by Category

Asset Cost by Acquisition Code

Pivot Grids

Asset Management

Scan Scope List Pivot Grid

Scan Duplicate Tag Pivot Grid

Scan Results Pivot Grid

Scan History Pivot Grid

Tracking Assets with the Asset Tracking Homepage


Bills by Status

Incomplete Invoice Process

Invoice Analysis by Month

Understanding the PeopleSoft Classic Billing WorkCenter - Queries Pagelet


Billing Interface Errors

Billing Pending Invoices

Invoice Cycle Time

Mass Maintenance

Using Operation Metrics in Billing


My Projects Transactions

Transactions Priced Not Billed

Revenue Transition Impact

Queries Pagelet


Customer Contract Status Analysis

Customer Contract Status Analysis Pagelet


Expenses by ChartField Pivot Grid

Top 20 Employee Spenders Pivot Grid

Preferred Vs Non-Preferred Merchant Pivot Grid

Expenses With Exceptions

Expenses Billable Analysis

Hours Billable Analysis

Expenses Audit Risk Metric

Understanding the Classic Expenses WorkCenter - Queries

Grants Management

Award Milestones

Award Certifications

Pre-Award Spending

Expiring LOC Funds

Grants Management Homepage

Grants Management

My Projects Transactions

Bills by Status

Incomplete Invoice Process

Transactions Priced Not Billed

Understanding the Grants WorkCenter - Queries Pagelet

Maintenance Management

Unassigned Work Order Tasks

Top 5 Problem Codes

Most Costly Assets to Maintain

Understanding the Maintenance Management WorkCenter Dashboard

Maintenance Management

Child Work Order Cost

Estimated Cost Variance

Scheduled Cost Variance

Asset Hierarchy Cost

Understanding the Queries Pagelet

Maintenance Management

Scheduled Tasks

Tasks by Priority

WO Time Entries

Scheduled Tasks Pivot Page

Tasks by Priority Pivot Page

WO Time Entries Pivot Page

Portal Packs

Near Term Branch Agenda Pagelet

Overdue Branch Agenda Pagelet

Analyzing Branch Agenda

Procurement Contracts

Top 10 Non Contract Category

Top 10 Non Contract Item

PO Contract Spend by Period

Example: Contract/Sourcing WorkCenter

Procurement Contracts

Top 10 Category Spend

Procurement Obligations

Procurement Spend Analysis

Procurement Contract Spend

Understanding the Contract/Sourcing WorkCenter - Queries Pagelet

Project Costing

Project Profit Margin

Contract Profit Margin

Project Unbilled Cost WIP

Reviewing Profit Margins and Unbilled Cost Using PeopleSoft Fluid

Project Costing

Project Financials

Project Financials (pivot) Page

Project Costing

Project Status Reports

Project Status Reports Page (pivot)

Project Costing

My Project Teams

My Project Teams (pivot) Page

Project Costing

Project Timesheets Due

Project Timesheets Due (pivot) Page

Project Costing

My Project Transactions

Budget vs Actual

Financial Summary

Closed Projects with Assets

Budgets Not Finalized

Understanding the Projects WorkCenter - Queries


Payment Spend Analysis

Analyzing Payment Spend with the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface


Procurement Spend Analysis

Procurement Spend Analysis Page


PO Spend Analysis As Of

Buyer WorkCenter Home Page


Supplier Watch List

Supplier Watch List Page

Resource Management

Open Service Orders

Resource by Pool Distribution

Top 25 Requested Competencies

Top 25 Resource Competencies

Understanding the Resource Management WorkCenter and Dashboard


Discounts Lost/Taken

Discounts Lost/Taken Pagelet


My Projects Transactions

Transactions Priced Not Billed

Bills by Status

Incomplete Invoice Process

Understanding the Staffing WorkCenter - Queries


Liability Exposure by Supplier

Match Exception Analysis

Voucher Status

Procurement Control Spend

Procurement Obligations

Procurement Spend Analysis

Top 10 Contract Category

Top 10 Non Contract Category

Top 10 Non Contract Item

Viewing the Supplier 360 Pagelets

Understanding the Supplier Administration Center


Registration Status

Federal Reporting

Product Categories

Understanding the Supplier Administration Center

Viewing SRM Dashboard Pagelets


Activity Monitor

Overdue PO Schedule Analysis

PO Acknowledgement Status

PO Contract Spend by Period

Total PO Spend by PO Date

Manager PO Contract Spend

Manager PO Spend by PO Date

Manager Spend by Category

Manager Total Schedule Spend

PO Spend Analysis As of

Top 10 Category Spend

Group Contract Summary

Change Request Aging

Approved Change Request Trend

Approved Change Request Types

Viewing SRM Dashboard Pagelets

Viewing the Group Contracts Pivot Grid

Supply and Demand

Sales Order Bookings

Purchase Order Amount Received

Understanding the Supply/Demand WorkCenter - Queries