Reporting and Analytics Learning Center

2 Which Are the Top Ten Products by Closed Revenue?

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This tutorial shows you how to create a new Fusion report to determine which products rank in the top ten by closed revenue. A Fusion report is based on an "analysis" that defines the information that you want to see in the report. So to create a new Fusion report, you first need to create an analysis. The folder in which you save the analysis controls whether it is only available for your personal use, or whether other people can use the analysis.

How to Identify the Top Ten Products by Closed Revenue Amount

  1. From the Navigator menu, select Reports and Analytics.

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    The Reports and Analytics page is displayed.

  2. Click Create and select Analysis.

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    The Select Subject Area list is displayed.

  3. Select the Sales - CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time subject area.

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  4. Expand the subject area folder (by clicking the arrow next to the folder) and select these columns to include in the analysis:

    From the Product folder: Sales Catalog Hierarchy Base Level Name
    From the Pipeline Detail Facts folder: Closed Opportunity Line Revenue

    For each column that you want to add:

    1. Select the column in the Subject Areas list.

    2. Click the Add button (the right arrow button to the right of the Subject Areas list) to move it to the Selected Columns list.

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  5. Click Next.

  6. Specify the views to include in the analysis as follows:

    Click Table (recommended) from the Table box, and click Bar (recommended) from the Graph box.

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  7. In the Title field, enter "Top Ten Products by Closed Revenue" as the title of the analysis.

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  8. Select the Preview box to preview the view in the analysis.

    The view is displayed with data.

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  9. Click Next, then click Next again in the Edit Table and Edit Graph windows to accept the default table and graph layout.

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  10. In the Sort and Filter window, click Add Sort and select the Closed Opportunity Line Revenue measure.

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  11. Add a filter to show only the top 10 products by closed opportunity line revenue by performing the following steps:

    1. Click Add Filter and select Closed Opportunity Line Revenue.

    2. In the Operator column, select is ranked last.

    3. In the Value column, enter 10.

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  12. Click Finish.

  13. Save the analysis as follows:

    1. In the Analysis Name field, specify a name for the analysis such as Top 10 Products by Closed Revenue.

    2. In the Save In list, select the folder in which you want to save the analysis.

      The folder in which you save the analysis controls whether the analysis is available only for your personal use or available to other users.

      If you save the analysis in My Folders, then it is available only for your personal use. If you save the analysis in Shared Folders/Custom, then it is available to all users who can access Shared Folders/Custom.

    3. Click Submit, then OK in the Confirmation dialog.

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You can now navigate to the analysis, which looks like this:

This image described in surrouding text

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