Answer Record Tabs

Record tabs contain fields and options for adding additional information to answers.

The organization of these tabs lets you manage and edit information and quickly move between the tabs as you work with answers. The information you can access on each tab depends on the permissions set in your profile.

Note: If you make changes to fields on any of the answer record tabs or any of the windows opened through the record tabs, you must save the answer in order for all changes on the record tabs to take effect. If you close the record without saving changes, those changes are lost.
  • Content tab—Contains the fields for adding and editing answers, including answer types. The Content tab also contains the HTML editor for answers where you can create HTML answers using basic word processing functions as well as dynamic content, such as adding hyperlinks, images, tables, answer links, and conditional sections. You can also use source mode to enter HTML code directly in the editor. The HTML editor lets you add a special response, which is a short version of the answer that can be used in search results. You can use the special response to format your answer content based on how and where the answer displays. See Add an Answer.
  • Products/Categories tab—Lists all products and categories that are associated with the answer. You can select which products and categories are associated with an answer to enhance search results for customers. See Associate Products and Categories to an Answer.
  • Tasks tab—Lists all tasks associated with the answer. The number of tasks associated with the answer displays in parentheses next to the tab name. For each task, the tab displays the task name, due date, completion date, staff member assigned to the task, and priority. You can open, copy, delete, print, and forward any task and mark tasks complete by clicking a button on the tab toolbar or by right-clicking the task and making your selection. See Add or Edit a Task for an Answer.
  • Details tab—Contains the fields for answer details, including Display Position, Review On, Notify Subscribers, and Publish On. See Add Answer Details.
  • Attachments tab—Lists all attachments associated with the answer. The Attachments tab displays the file name, size, date created, date updated, and a description for each attachment. See to Overview of the Attachments Tab.
  • Audit Log tab—Lists all answer actions performed by staff members as well as automatic changes initiated by any business rules that are used. When an action is generated by the system, the Who field contains Administrator. You can also see who worked on the answer, when it was added or updated, the actions taken, and descriptions of the actions. See Audit Logs.
  • Relationships tab—Contains the fields and tools necessary to manage answer relationships, including sibling answer relationships, manually relating a new or existing answer with a current answer, and viewing, editing, printing, previewing, and promoting related answers. See Answer Relationships.
  • Notes tab—Contains answer notes that can be sorted by date. Remember that customers never see the answer notes added by staff members. See Add an Answer.
  • Analytics tab—Contains the Actionable Knowledge Foundation reports, which display information about the answer being viewed or edited. By reviewing these reports, you can learn how your knowledge base is being used and make the necessary adjustments to improve customer satisfaction. See Answer Evaluation Using Analytics.