
As an Oracle Data Cloud client, you can combine the power of your first- and third-party data in the Oracle Data Marketplace with Moat’s engagement data to forecast ad inventory and layer on audience insights.

The Moat integration with the Oracle Data Cloud platform enables you to:

  • Optimize ad space sales: Forecast ad inventory based on user attributes so you can effectively create high-value packages for advertisers.
  • Understand inventory overlap: Leverage third party data available in the Oracle Data Marketplace to gain further insight into user attributes for those engaging with display media on your site.
  • Monetize inventory: Determine where your site visitors engage with display media the most, and create competitive pricing to be included in RFPs thus increasing your overall win rate.
  • Activate engagement data: Retarget, analyze, and optimize site visitors who engage with display media on your site.

Using Moat engagement data

Send your audiences to Moat and link them to your ad server events (impressions, clicks, and conversions) and Moat media engagement data. This enables you to use the Moat analytics suite to compare ad engagement statistics for different categories, and the platform.

To use Moat engagement data to analyze audiences:

  1. Contact My Oracle Support (MOS) to request the Moat integration.
  2. Deploy the JSON return tag on your ad server.
  3. Install the Moat app.
  4. Deliver Oracle Data Cloud platform data to Moat.
  5. Map categories and the platform to ad server events.
  6. Use Moat analytics.

Diagram illustrating how to use the BlueKai-Moat integration

Deploying the JSON return tag on your ad server

To connect your Oracle Data Cloud platform data with your ad server events and Moat engagement data, deploy a JSON return tag on your ad server that contains a Moat tag.

To deploy a JSON return tag:

  1. Log in to and select Manage > Containers.
  2. Click Create New and use the following settings to create a container that will provide a unique site ID that associates your site with your Oracle Data Cloud platform:
    NameEnter a name that makes it easy to identify the container’s purpose, such as "Moat JSON return tag."
    Default Auction LimitEnter the number of slots to be allocated on your site for firing third-party pixels. The default limit is 4.
    Campaign AccessOnly Me (the default)

    Image of Create New Container dialog showing a Moat JSON return configuration
  3. Click Save and Generate Code.
  4. Record the site ID listed in the Settings section.
    Generate Code dialog
  5. Send the site ID that you generated to your Moat account manager. Your Moat account manager will enable the collection of Oracle Data Cloud platform data through your existing Moat tag.

Learn more: JSON return tag

Install the Moat app

Use the install an app workflow to install and configure the Moat app.

Delivering Oracle Data Cloud platform data to Moat

To deliver your Oracle Data Cloud platform data to Moat, create an audience with the users you want to analyze and deliver the audience with the Moat app. You then use taxonomy permissions to whitelist the first-party categories in your audience so the Moat platform can access them.


  • Limit the number of categories in any given audience being delivered to Moat to approximately 50. This configuration ensures that the performance of the JSON return tag is not diminished by larger payloads.
  • If you have already delivered an audience to a media execution platform, do not add the Moat app to that same delivery. Instead, deliver it separately.

When you deliver audience data using the Moat app, Moat receives an email notification. The notification includes the category IDs you are sending and the site ID. Moat uses this information to get human-readable names for your first-party categories and create the Oracle Data Cloud platform JSON return tag to be added to your Moat tag.

Whitelisting your 1st-Party Categories to Moat

  1. Select Manage > Taxonomy Permissions.
  2. Click Create New.
  3. Enter 2915 Moat as the Selected Recipients.
  4. From the Permissioning Types list, select Analytics Only.
  5. From the Your Taxonomy section, select the first-party categories included in the audience you sent to Moat. The categories to be whitelisted to Moat should be marked green.
    Image of the Create New Taxonomy Permissions dialog with specific categories selected
  6. Click Save.

Learn more: Taxonomy permissions

Mapping categories to ad server events

To associate Oracle Data Cloud platform data with your ad server events:

  1. The platform sends a JSON object to Moat named bk_results via Moat's data collection code each time a user visits your site. The bk_results object includes the campaign ID and the categories for which the user qualified. The following example demonstrates the data that is delivered to Moat:
    var bk_results = {
        "campaigns": [{
            "campaign": 45671,
            "timestamp": 1390523817,
            "categories": [{
                "categoryID": 17,
                "timestamp": 1390520921
  2. Moat parses the data received in the bk_results object to associate the media with the qualifying categories in the user's Oracle Data Cloud cookie.
  3. Moat maps the categories and the platform to the impression, click, and conversion events included in your ad server logs and with the engagement data they collected.

Using Moat analytics

Moat will send you a notification when your Oracle Data Cloud platform data is available for analysis and reporting in the Moat Analytics suite. The following sample Moat Brand Analytics report shows Moat ad engagement statistics for different categories and the platform.

If no_audience appears under BlueKai segment, it means that either users were new and did not have any Oracle Data Cloud data in their profiles, or the JSON return tag returned a category that has not yet been whitelisted to Moat. Verify that you have whitelisted all the 1st-party categories you want to include analyze in Moat.

Activating Moat engagement data

You can activate Moat engagement data in your Oracle Data Cloud platform to retarget, analyze, and optimize site visitors who have engaged with the display media on your site. The following diagram illustrates how to import Moat engagement data into the Oracle Data Cloud platform:

To activate Moat engagement data:

  1. Request tracking on Moat events.
  2. Deploy the image pixel on your ad server.
  3. Classify your Moat engagement data.
  4. Import Moat data into the Oracle Data Cloud platform.
  5. Activate Moat data in the Oracle Data Cloud platform.

Request tracking of Moat events

To configure the tracking of Moat events with an image pixel:

  1. Contact your Moat representative and request the tracking of Moat events with an image pixel.
  2. Your Moat representative will help you select which events to classify into your DMP. For example, you can select audibility and viewability on completion (AVOC) events. This means the image pixel will fire when an impression achieves the specific AVOC metric.

Deploying the image pixel on your ad server

To deploy an image pixel on your ad server that contains a Moat tag:

  1. Create a container, which will manage the collection and classification of your selected Moat events. Use the following settings for your container:
    NameEnter a name that makes it easy to identify the container’s purpose, such as "Moat Image Pixel."
    List Type

    Whitelist (enable) or blacklist (disable) data collection and delivery for users with IP addresses mapped to the countries selected in the Country List.

    Use whitelisting to enable data collection/delivery for a small set of countries (all unselected countries are disabled). Use blacklisting to disable a small set of countries. By default, the Netherlands is blacklisted.

    Country List

    Select one or more countries or regions to be whitelisted or blacklisted based on the selected List Type. You can select all the countries in the EU by selecting the EU region.

    Default Auction LimitEnter 0 for the number of slots to be allocated on your site for firing third-party pixels.
    Data Transfer EnabledClear this check box. This prevents your Moat engagement data from being made available to the Oracle Data Marketplace.
    Campaign AccessOnly Me (the default).

    Image of Create New Container dialog for a Moat image pixel configuration
  2. Click Save and Generate Code.
  3. Generate the image pixel code in the Generate Code dialog using the following settings:
    • Tag Type: Select the Pixel tag type.
    • Site ID: Use the default site ID that was generated when you created the container.
    • Protocol: Select HTTP or HTTPS depending on the protocol of the page on which the tag is to be deployed. If HTTPS, you must use a secure ID swap tag.

    Image of the Generate Code dialog
  4. In the Add Phints section, click Add a phint. The Key and Value boxes are displayed.
  5. Add key-value pairs for the categories that users are tagged with when your selected Moat events occur. These should be the unique identifier for the data item and the value of the data item. Add as many as phints as you need to classify your selected Moat events. The phints are passed to the platform and used to classify the user.
  6. In the right-hand pane of the Generate Code dialog, click Copy and then paste the image pixel code in a text file, and save it. The following code snippets provide the syntax and an example of the image pixel.


    <img height="1" width="1" src="{site ID}?limit=1&phint={key}%3D{value}"/>


    <img height="1" width="1" src=""/>

  7. Send your image pixel to your Moat account manager, who will schedule the firing of the image pixel upon impressions reaching your selected Moat metrics.

Classifying your Moat engagement data

You can create categories and classification rules that map the Moat data into your taxonomy. A category represents a collection of users that have the same attributes (for example, coffee drinkers, video gamers, smartphone purchasers, and so on). Classification rules map the user attributes extracted from your display media to your categories.

Consider a highly indexed ad engager. The image pixel could have a "moatIndex=high" attribute for this user when an impressions achieves a specific Moat metric. When this attribute is imported into the Oracle Data Cloud platform, it can be mapped to a "Moat > High Index" category in your taxonomy using a classification rule that states "if moatIndex is High, then add the user to the High Index category.

The Oracle Data Cloud platform UI includes an easy-to-use Taxonomy Manager for creating your categories and rules, or you can use the category and rule APIs to programmatically create them.

Importing Moat data into the Oracle Data Cloud platform

To import your Moat engagement data:

  1. When a user visits your site and engages with the display media on it, the image pixel is fired and sends the phints to the platform.
  2. The phints are mapped to categories in your taxonomy based on the classification rules.
  3. To check the current inventory of users in your Moat categories and verify that inventory is increasing, you can do the following:
    1. Use the inventory trend report to verify that the amount of inventory per category is increasing daily.
    2. Use the Audience Builder to view the estimated number of unique users in your categories based on current configurations.

Activating Moat data

As your Moat engagement data is imported into the Oracle Data Cloud platform, you can add the categories representing them to your target audiences. You can then deliver the audiences to multiple media execution platforms.

Learn more

Creating containers

Taxonomy permissions