About Calculation Analysis

After calculating models, you can analyze the calculation details by generating reports based on the models that you have calculated.

To analyze calculation details:

  1. From the Home page, select Modeling, and then Calculation Analysis.

  2. On the Calculation Analysis page, review status information and run reports.

The Calculation Analysis page shows details for each model point of view that was calculated on the Calculation Control page, using EPM Automate, or with the REST API automation tools. (See Calculating Models.) You can have multiple calculations for a single point of view.

Calculation Analysis page with sample points of view

To display additional details about a specific calculation record, select the calculation record and click Inspect icon (Inspect icon). The details about the calculation record are displayed in a pop-up window on the Calculation Analysis page.

Calculation Analysis page with properties displayed

To delete a calculation record, select the calculation record, and then click Delete icon. To export a calculation record to Excel, select the calculation record, and then click Export to Excel icon.

Each calculation record includes a snapshot of the model rules used, a model documentation report, and a calculation statistics report. Review the following topics for information on how to generate these reports and how to complete other tasks on the Calculation Analysis page: