Creating a create unique program

Important: Oracle Sales was formerly known as Oracle Sales Cloud. All instances of Oracle Sales Cloud have been changed to Oracle Sales across the app user interface.

You can use Oracle Eloqua's program canvas to manually configure a create unique program or you can select default assets to automatically create programs.

Default create unique program:

An image of a default Create Unique program for Oracle CX Sales

In this program, a new lead record is created in Oracle CX Sales only if there is no contact or lead record with the same email address in Oracle CX Sales. If there is an existing contact record, the contact record is updated with contact information as defined in the Update Contact action.

Note: Determining whether an Oracle CX Sales (formerly Oracle Sales Cloud) contact or lead exists depends on configuring an import for both Oracle CX Sales leads and contacts with the appropriate record IDs. For details, see recommended contact and account fields.

To create an Oracle CX Sales Create Unique program:

  1. Navigate to Orchestration An image of the Orchestration icon., then click Programs.
  2. Click Create a Contact Program
  3. Select a blank template.
  4. Configure basic information about the program:
    1. Click Info An image of the Campaign Settings icon. on the left side of the canvas, and add a Name and Description of the program.

      An image of the info tab.

    2. To allow a contact to enter the program more than once, select Allow contact to exist on multiple steps in the canvas. If you do not select this option, once a contact enters a program, the contact cannot enter the program again from another entry point.
    3. Click X to close the Info window.
  5. Add the Listener Step to the canvas:
    • Name the step Start - Create Unique.
    • To subscribe to data using a listener step, double-click The listener step icon Listener Step. For more information, learn about Program Canvas.
    • Add any data sources that are part of your lead flow. For example, form submissions, lead nurturing programs or campaigns that generate leads.
  6. Add an Update Rule action step. Name the step Lead Source. Configure the Rule Set option to Lead Source Original.
  7. Add a Compare Contact Fields decision step. Name the step Update Contact? This step evaluates and routes contacts based on a specified value in a selected contact field. Set the step to route contacts based on whether they have an Oracle CX Sales Contact Registry ID.
    1. For the yes path, add a Oracle CX Sales Integration action to update information for existing Oracle CX Sales contacts. Name this step Update Contact.
    2. For the no path, add a Compare Contact Fields decision to route contacts based on whether they have an Oracle CX Sales Lead ID. Name this step Update Lead?
  8. For the Update Lead? step, add the following paths:
    1. For the yes path, add a Shared Filter Member? action. Name this step Required Fields Populated?. This step evaluates whether shared filter members have required contact fields (such as name, company, and so on). Add an Oracle CX Sales Integration action named Create Leads and connect it to the yes path to create leads for filter members with the required contact fields.
    2. For the no path, add an Oracle CX Sales Integration action to update information for existing Oracle CX Sales leads. Name this step Update Lead.
  9. Add any necessary wait steps, error flows, shared list actions, and Oracle CX Sales app actions as depicted in the workflow.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Activate your program .
  12. Monitor the performance of the program using operational reports. If you need to change your program, you must disable the program.

The following example canvas illustrates a manually-configured create unique program:

An image of a Create Unique program for Oracle CX Sales

Learn more

Creating a point of interest program

Example programs

Oracle CX Sales Integration app

Program Canvas