Managing contact subscription pages

Important: We recommend that subscription management links are included in your emails. Privacy laws and regulations vary from country to country. Often, commercial or relationship emails are required to provide clear and easy-to-act-upon instructions for subscription management. Regulations around transactional emails (such as confirmation emails) might not have the same requirements, but again, these vary from country to country. Know and understand the rules and regulations for the countries that you are sending emails to. Stay up to date with the latest on international deliverability regulations by joining the Global Deliverability group on Topliners.

Contacts can manage their subscription status on two levels:

  • Email groups: Contacts can subscribe to and unsubscribe from emails on a per email group basis
  • Globally: Contacts can opt-in or opt-out from all communications at a global level

As a marketer, you facilitate this by providing links to a contact's subscription options in the email footer of an email (or somewhere else in the body of the email). These pages help to maintain a sense of transparency with your subscribers.

An image of an email footer with the subscription management part highlighted.

When a contact clicks these links, they are brought two one of two areas:

Note: Any settings in the master exclude list will override a contact's subscription preferences.

Next steps

Editing the global subscription confirmation pages

Editing the Subscription Management Page

Learn more

Email groups

Landing pages