Frequently asked questions

What types of reports are available in Oracle Infinity?

Oracle Infinity comes with a set of standard reports to help you begin exploring your data.

Do I have to use your reports?

Oracle Infinity allows you to create and save reports to meet your unique business requirements. Standard reports provide a good starting point for further ad hoc exploration.

If I modify a standard report, can I access the original version?

Standard reports cannot be overwritten, but you can customize these reports to include different dimensions, measures, or segments, and then save them as new reports. Reports can be saved within your own private collection or published more broadly in custom report categories if required.

Are there limits to the number of collections an account can have?

Oracle Infinity does not limit the number of collections you can create. All accounts come packaged with one collection called All Data."

Are there limits to the number of dimensions or measures in a report?

Oracle Infinity offers unlimited measures and segments and can have up to five dimensions in a report.

How do I find a parameter?

If you have the necessary rights, you can view all parameters collected for your account in Settings. By default, only named parameters are displayed, but you can select All from the Show list and then filter, sort, and search the list as needed.

Is attribution available, such as last occurrence functionality?

Attribution reporting is available by adding dimensions.

Is date an available dimension?

Oracle Infinity offers several predetermined dimensions for dates.

How are visitors calculated?

The standard measure for visitors is a count of unique, or distinct, users. We do not use sampling. The following logic applies:

  1. If data.wt.co_f is present, use a hash of its value as the session.visitor_id (Visitor ID).
  2. If data.wt.co_f is not present, use a hash of the user agent and IP address pair as the Visitor ID.
  3. If data.wt.dcsvid is present, a hash of its value is used instead of the Visitor ID.

You can also create your own custom measures and add them to reports in place of the current, standard users measure.

How are sessions calculated?

Sessions are a continuous activity that record all of a user's events (hits) to a digital property. The session starts the moment of the first event to the digital property and continues until the session ends. Sessions close after two hours or after 30 minutes of inactivity, or after 5,000 events.

Can I track calculated values?

You can create calculated measures such as sessions per user.

How far back will my data go?

Data is retained for 25 months, but you can request a longer or shorter interval. Backups are stored for 60 days.

For more information, see Data privacy and security features.

Can I build a segment based on a sequence of events?

Custom segments are very flexible and can be built for event-based segments.

Are URLs truncated?

Full URLs are available either by hovering over a URL or by changing the column width to make the complete URL visible.

Are regular expressions supported?

These expressions are currently supported:

  • Param existential test
  • Param = 'String' equals
  • Param != 'String' not-equals
  • Param ^= 'String' starts with
  • Param $= 'String' ends with
  • Param %= 'String' contains

Do you have a mobile app version of Oracle Infinity?

Oracle Infinity takes advantage of HTML 5, so it can be used in larger format mobile devices, such as tablets. The Infinity UI is not intended to work on small devices such as mobile phones.

Are mobile SDKs available?

We offer mobile SDKs for Android and iOS.

Are bots filtered?

Bots are filtered using an internal list of common spiders and bots. This list is updated regularly by a joint industry-wide advisory board. Additional levels of filtering can be created by users via various product features.

Is hit-level detail stored despite aggregation done on the fly?


Is there an option to see a raw event string?

If you require real-time data streaming, use the Streams Query Syntax.

What about security protection of PHI or PII data?

You can use Oracle Infinity to enhance your digital services and personalization, but administrators need to be aware of the following types of personal data collection:

  • Allowable: Personally identifiable information (PII), such as first and last name or email address, is OK to collect and process. Be sure to comply with relevant laws and regulations and follow industry privacy best practices.
  • Prohibited: Collecting prohibited health information (PHI) and sensitive personal information (SPI), such as credit card numbers and social security numbers, is prohibited and it may be illegal in some jurisdictions.

Is third-party data available?

Oracle Infinity augments collected user agent information with third-party data to provide associated device attributes and augments IP addresses with third-party data to provide geographical attributes.

What is the latency of report data?

Our goal is to deliver all your data in minutes and while sessions are open.

Can I export data?

Oracle Infinity offers multiple ways to export your data, including:

  • File exports: Save and export a report that you are viewing to a CSV, HTML, JSON or XML file.
  • REST URLs: Pull data from specific reports using our REST API.
  • Data connectors: Leverage connectors for third-party business intelligence and visualization tools, such as PowerBI and Tableau.
  • Oracle Infinity Data Connector: Connect your Oracle Infinity data directly to your internal big data platform.

Can you export data with multiple dimensions via REST?

Currently data exports via the REST API are single-dimension only.

Can I integrate with internal systems?

The Oracle Infinity Data Connector makes your Infinity Analytics data available for immediate delivery to your big data infrastructure (such as Hadoop), or enterprise data warehouse (such as Teradata). For details, contact My Oracle Support (MOS).

Will social be supported?

Third-party social data is not currently available.

Are there any limitations on where we can place the Oracle Infinity Tag?

No, but the best practice is to place it in the HTML head section. It can be placed in HTML body, but this could interfere with the correct order of execution. For more details, see .

How do I become a member of the Oracle Infinity Insiders group on Topliners?

See the Topliners FAQs.

Tip: Participation in the Oracle Infinity Insiders group requires group membership. To request it, you must first be registered and logged in to Topliners so that the Join this Group button is displayed. If you have trouble gaining group membership, contact your Oracle Infinity solutions consultant.

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FAQs, frequently asked questions, topliners, insiders group, third-party data, social, exports, latency, PHI, PII, bots, data retention