Expenses Lists in OpenAir Mobile

Expenses lists give you a quick overview of your expense reports by status. You can perform certain actions on one or multiple expense reports at the same time.

To access the list of Expenses To Approve, Open Expenses, Submitted Expenses, Rejected Expenses or Approved Expenses, tap the corresponding status row in the navigation drawer. See Navigating OpenAir Mobile.

The expenses lists include the following elements:

On Android, swipe down to get the latest information from the OpenAir server.

Expenses Lists for iPhone and Android


Menu — To view the navigation drawer, tap the menu icon Menu icon in the toolbar from any lists or from the dashboard. See Navigating OpenAir Mobile

The top bar includes the following information:

  • Title of the current list.

  • From the navigation drawer, you can go to other lists in OpenAir Mobile, review the app configuration settings, or synchronize your data. See Navigating OpenAir Mobile.


Bulk actions — OpenAir Mobile lets you perform actions on multiple expenses at one time.

When the option is available, the app shows a Select link (iPhone) or a select icon Select icon for Android(Android). See Bulk Actions in Expenses Lists.


Search — To find an expense report, tap the Search bar (iPhone) or search icon Search icon for Android (Android) and type a few characters. The expense reports are filtered as you type and the list shows only expense reports with information matching your search string. You can search for any of the information that is visible on the expense report summary.


Expense report summary — The expense report summary gives a quick overview of your expense report. See Expense Report Summary in Lists

To go to an expense report, tap the corresponding summary. From the expense report, you will be able to perform all the actions permitted according to your role permissions and to the expense report status. See Expense Reports in OpenAir Mobile


Actions toolbar — The actions toolbar includes all the actions available in the list.

From the open expense reports list:

  • To copy an existing expense report, tap the clone icon Copy icon for iPhone.

  • To create a new expense report from blank:

  • To view the navigation drawer, tap the menu icon Menu icon in the toolbar to return to the dashboard tap outside of the navigation drawer. From the dashboard or the navigation drawer, you can navigate to other lists in OpenAir Mobile, review the app configuration settings, or synchronize your data. See Navigating OpenAir Mobile

Bulk Actions in Expenses Lists

To select multiple Expense reports in the Expenses To Approve, Open Expenses and Rejected Expenses lists, tap Select (iPhone) or the select icon Select icon for Android (Android) then tap the expense reports you want to select.

Bulk actions in Expenses Lists

Related Topics

Expense Report Summary in Lists

The expense report summary gives a quick overview of your expenses and lets you perform certain actions, depending on your role permissions and on the expense status.

Expense report summary in lists and context menu.


Expense report name & dates — The summary shows the name of the expense report, the type of expenses and the date it was created. For submitted expenses the date shows in the summary. In the Expenses to approve list, the summary also shows the name of the employee who submitted the expense report.


Total number of receipts, attachments and comments — The summary shows the total number of receipts in the expense report Receipts icon and the total number of attachments across all receipts in the expense report Attachments icon . If there are any notes created for this expense report the notes icon Notes icon shows in green color.


Total amount— The expense report summary shows the total cost of all receipts in the expense report.


Actions — You can perform some actions straight from the expense report summary in the list. The actions you can perform depend on the expense report status:

  • For open expense reports:

    • To submit the expense report, tap the submit icon Submit icon.

    • To show a context menu with more options, tap the more icon More icon.

  • For expense reports to approve:

    • To approve the expense report, tap the check mark icon Approve icon.

    • To reject the expense report, tap the reject icon Reject icon.

  • For submitted and approved expense reports:

    To copy the expense report, tap the clone icon Copy icon.

  • For rejected expense reports:

    • To re-submit the expense report, tap the submit icon Submit icon.

    • To copy the expense report, tap the clone icon Copy icon for Android.


More actions — For open and rejected expense reports, tap the more icon More icon then:

  • To edit an expense report, tap Edit expense report.

  • To copy the expense report, tap Clone expense report.

  • To pin the expense report to the dashboard, tap Pin to dashboard. See, Pinned Timesheets, Expense Reports or Receipts.

    If the item is already pinned to the dashboard, the context menu shows an Unpin from dashboard option instead.

  • To delete an expense report, tap Delete expense report.

  • To cancel all actions, tap Cancel (iPhone only)