Expense Reports in OpenAir Mobile

You can use expense reports in OpenAir Mobile to collect your expense receipts and submit them for approval. Your expense reports in OpenAir Mobile are synchronized automatically with your expense reports in OpenAir, after you make changes in OpenAir Mobile. See Synchronizing OpenAir Mobile with OpenAir.

In an expense report list view, tap an expense report summary to view the expense report. The expense report screen shows summary information about the expense report and four tabs showing the list of receipts, the list of attachments, any applicable expense policy, and the expense report history.

Expense reports in OpenAir Mobile


Top bar — The top bar includes the following functionality:

  • To return to the list view, tap the back icon (iPhone ) Back icon on iPhone and Back icon on Android (Android). On Android tap the search icon Search icon on Android to find an expense report or receipt.

  • To select multiple receipts, tap Select (iPhone) or the select icon Submit icon on Android (Android). You can then delete all the selected receipts at the same time (on Open or Rejected expense reports), and approve or reject all the selected receipts at the same time (on expense reports "To approve"). See Deleting Receipts and Rejecting Selected Receipts on an Expense Report.


Expense report summary — The expense report summary gives the same overview information as in the expense report list view. See Expense Report Summary in List Views.

To go to the previous or the next expense report tap the previous button Prev button or the next button Next button. If the arrow icon appear in light gray color, you have reached the first or last available expense report. To view or edit the expense report properties, tap the expense report summary.


Expense report navigation and tabs — There are four tabs under the expense report summary.

  • The Receipts tab shows the receipts listed in reverse order of the tracking number (highest tracking number first). The Receipts tab is described in this table and pictured in the screenshot above.

  • The Attachments tab lets you view or add attachments. Attachments are in reverse date order (most recently added attachment first). See Expense Attachments in OpenAir Mobile.

  • The Policy tab shows the details of the relevant project expenses policy. See Expenses Policy.

  • The History tab shows the creation and approval history of the expense report. See Expense Report History.


Search — To find an expense report or receipt, swipe down to see the search bar (iPhone) or tap the search (Android) and type a few characters. The receipts are filtered as you type and the expense report shows only receipts with information matching your search string. You can search for any of the information that is visible on the receipt summary.


Receipt Summary — Receipts are the individual expense items added to your expense report. The receipt summary gives a quick overview of your receipt. See Receipt Summary on Expense Reports.


Actions toolbar— The actions toolbar includes all the actions available for the expense report you are viewing:

Bulk Actions on the Expense Report Screen

To select multiple receipts when viewing an expense report to approve, an open expense report or rejected expense report, tap Select (iPhone) or the select icon Select icon on Android(Android) then tap the receipts you want to select.

  • The number of items selected shows at the top, in place of the screen title (iPhone) or on the select icon Multiple select icon on Android (Android).

  • The items selected are highlighted with a green outline.

  • The actions you can perform depend on the expense report status:

    • For open or rejected expense reports, to delete the selected receipts, tap the delete icon.

    • For expense reports to approve, to reject the selected receipts, tap the reject icon.

  • To exit the bulk-action mode and return to the list view, tap Cancel (iPhone) or the close icon


Receipt Summary on Expense Reports

The receipt summary gives a quick overview of your expenses, and lets you perform certain actions, depending on your role permissions and on the expense report status. The receipt summary is highlighted with a red outline if there are any submission errors for this receipt.

Receipt summary on expense reports in OpenAir Mobile


Receipt name & dates — The summary shows the name of the receipt , the type of the receipt and the date it was created. For submitted expenses the date shows in the summary. To view or edit receipt details, tap the receipt. See Adding or Editing Receipts


Total number of attachments and comments — The summary shows the total number of attachments in the attachment icon Attachments icon. The notes icon Notes icon in OpenAir Mobile shows in green color if the expense report includes notes.


Total amount— The expense report summary shows the total cost of all the receipts in the expense report.


Actions — You can perform some actions straight from the receipt summary in the list view. The actions you can perform depend on the expense report status:

  • For open expense reports:

    To show a context menu with more options, tap the more icon More icon in OpenAir Mobile and you tap the option Delete receipt to delete the receipt or cancel to cancel all actions.

  • For expense reports to approve:

    To reject the expense report, tap the reject icon Reject icon to reject the receipt.

  • For rejected expense reports:

    • To re-submit the receipt, tap the submit icon Submit icon in OpenAir Mobile.

    • To show a context menu with more options, tap the more icon More icon in OpenAir Mobile.


More actions — For open and rejected expense reports, tap the more icon More icon in OpenAir Mobile then:

  • To edit a receipt, tap Edit receipt

  • To move a receipt, tap Move receipt

  • To clone a receipt, tap Clone receipt

  • To delete a receipt, tap Delete receipt

  • To pin a receipt to the dashboard, tap Pin to dashboard. See Pinned Timesheets, Expense Reports or Receipts.

    If the item is already pinned to the dashboard, the context menu shows an Unpin from dashboard option instead.

  • To cancel all actions, tap Cancel.

Expense Report History

To view the history of an expense report, go to that expense report screen and tap the History tab.

The history screen shows the creation, and approval history of expense report.

Expenses Policy

Depending on your OpenAir account configuration, a specific expenses policy may be defined for each project to enforce any restrictions and limits on the expenses you can claim. If the project expenses policy only allows specific expense items, you can only select from these options when adding or editing a receipt for this project. If there is a maximum cost or a fixed rate enforced for a specific expense item, the cost you enter will be changed to respect the expenses policy.

To view the project expenses policy, tap the Policy tab.

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