Setting the E-Document Certification Requests’ Processing Capacity


To access the LATAM E-Document Certification SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see LATAM E-Document Certification.

The LATAM E-Document Certification SuiteApp enables you to manage the e-document certification requests created on your account.

NetSuite creates an e-document certification request and places it in a queue whenever you send an e-document from a record. Then, scripts process the requests that are pending on the queue and send them to the proper tax authority.

You can set up each script deployment record’s processing capacity according to your needs. For more information, see the following topics:

Setting the Processing Capacity for Non-Sequential Sending

If you send e-documents in no particular order, the capacity to process requests depends on the number of SuiteCloud Processors you have available. The more SuiteCloud Processors available, the more requests a script can process. For more information, see SuiteCloud Processors.

You can determine the amount of SuiteCloud Processors available to process the e-document certification requests associated with the script provided by the LATAM E-Document Certification SuiteApp. You can change this amount whenever you want.

To set the e-document certification requests’ processing capacity:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Find the script deployment ECS MR Message Queue Service, and then click Edit.


    To find the ECS MR Message Queue Service script deployment record, under Filters, in the Type list, select Map/Reduce. The search displays only map/reduce scripts and you can find the script deployment you want among them.

  3. In the Concurrency Limit field, enter the amount of SuiteCloud Processors available to process the requests.

  4. Click Save.

For more information about map/reduce script deployment records, see Map/Reduce Script Deployment Record.

Setting the Processing Capacity for Sequential Sending

If you send e-documents in sequential order, the capacity to process requests depends on the amount of usage units available for the script deployment to consume.

In NetSuite, each scheduled script instance can use a maximum of 10,000 usage units. Every time NetSuite tries to send an e-document to a tax authority, it consumes a certain amount of usage units from the script deployment. After processing a request, the system verifies if there are enough units available to process the next one. If there are not enough units available, the script execution restarts to restore the 10,000 units limit.

You can define the minimum amount of usage units available before the script execution is restarted.

If the limit you set is not enough to send an e-document to the tax authority, you may get certification errors.

To set the processing capacity for sequential sending:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments

  2. Find the script deployment ECS SC Sequential Message Queue Service, and then click Edit.


    To find the ECS SC Sequential Message Queue Service script deployment record, under Filters, in the Type list, select Scheduled. The search displays only scheduled scripts and you can find the script deployment record you want among them.

  3. Click the Parameters subtab.

  4. In the Minimum Usage Units Remaining field, enter the minimum amount of usage units that need to remain available after the script is executed.

    The minimum amount of remaining units must be enough for sending an e-document to a tax authority, considering the consumption of the plug-in implementation for that tax authority.

  5. Click Save.

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