Setting Up Auto-Generated Numbering

Use the steps below to set up auto-generated numbering for Entities, CRM records, and Schedules. These steps also help you configure transaction type numbers and document type numbers.


Multi-Book Accounting has no impact on transaction numbering.

To set up auto-generated numbering:

  1. To see the Set Up Auto-Generated Numbers page, go to Setup > Company > General Preferences

  2. Check the Show Transaction Numbering Setup box and click Save.

  3. Go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.

  4. On the Entities, CRM, and Schedules subtabs, check the Enable box for each record type you want automatically numbered from least recent to most recent.

  5. For subrecords, check the Within Parent Group box to attach the subrecord number to the parent record number.

  6. In the Prefix column, enter any letters or numbers that you want to appear in front of every record number of this type.

    For example, you may want to have every customer record begin with CUST for quick identifying in a list.


    You should not use prefixes or suffixes which contain only numbers. In addition, you should use a separator, such as a dash (-) or underscore (_), at the end of prefixes or beginning of suffixes.

    Entities subtab with the Customer and Subcustomer boxes checked.
  7. In the Suffix column, enter any letters or numbers you want to appear after every record number of that type.

  8. In the Minimum Digits column, enter the lowest number of digits you want in your auto-generated numbering code. Valid values for this field range from 0–20.

    For example, if you enter 4, your first record is 0001.

  9. In the Initial Number column, enter the number you want your first numbered record to be.


    Changing the initial number for an entity record type, CRM record type, or schedule record type sets the next number in the series of auto-generated numbered records. It does not change the numbering scheme.

    On document type numbers and transaction type numbers, users with the Administrator role can reset the initial number. Check the Update Initial Number box to enable the Initial Number field for editing, then enter the new initial number.


    Resetting the initial number permits duplicate numbering in your account. In addition, if you reset the initial document number during the update of an existing transaction type record, the document number on that transaction record is not updated.

  10. For document type numbers, check the Use Subsidiary box to use the document prefix for numbering that is specified on the subsidiary record.

    For transaction type numbers, check the Use Subsidiary box to use the transaction prefix for numbering that is specified on the subsidiary record.

    Edit or create prefixes for each subsidiary at Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > New > List or Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > New.


    NetSuite uses the document or transaction prefix for numbering only if it is specified on the subsidiary record.

    Document Numbers subtab

    The Use Subsidiary column appears only in NetSuite OneWorld accounts.

  11. For document type numbers, check the Use Location box to use the document prefix for numbering that is specified on the location record.

    For transaction type numbers, check the Use Location box to use the transaction prefix for numbering that is specified on the location record.

    Edit or create prefixes for each location at Setup > Company > Locations > New > List or Setup > Company > Locations > New.


    NetSuite uses the document or transaction prefix for numbering ONLY if it is specified on the location record.

  12. On the Entities, Document Numbers, and CRM subtabs, check the Allow Override box to be able to enter your own name or number on records.

    Checking this box clears the Auto box on records.

    If you do not check this box, you cannot edit the numbers on records that serve as the record name.

    The following document number types cannot be overwritten:

    • Bill (Vendor Bill), Externally referenced

    • Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Externally referenced

    • Bill Payment (Vendor Payment), Account-based

    • Check, Account-based

    • Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), Externally referenced

    • Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund), Externally referenced

    • Customer Refund, Account-based

    • Paycheck, Account-based

    • Payroll Liability Check, Account-based

    • Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment), Account-based

    • Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability), Account-based

  13. Check the Update box to assign a number to all existing records of that type, starting with the next available number or the number you enter in the Initial Number column, whichever is higher.

    When your existing records are numbered, the former name moves to the Company Name field on that record. If the Company Name field is already filled, the former name displays next to the new number.


    Updating document numbers irreversibly modifies all of the document numbers on historical transactions.


    The Update column is used to auto-generate numbers for records that have not been previously numbered. If you change the initial number for a record type and then check the Update box, auto-generated numbering assigns the new number to the next record created but does not renumber existing records.


    On existing employee records that are numbered, the former name moves to the First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name fields.


    On document type numbers and transaction type numbers, the Update box is disabled if you have checked the Use Location box or the Use Subsidiary box.

  14. Click Save.

To reset auto-generated transaction numbers:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers

  2. Click Reset.

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