
Auto-generated numbering is tracked by the Transaction Numbering Audit Log. For more information, see Transaction Numbering Audit Log.

By default, transaction lists display only the Document Number field in searches and reporting. If you plan to include the Transaction Number field, be aware that this value is different from the value in the Document Number field for the following transaction types.

* Bill (Vendor Bill), Externally generated

* Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Externally generated

* Bill Payment (Vendor Payment), Account-based

* Check, Account-based

* Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), Externally generated

* Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund), Externally generated

* Customer Refund, Account-based

* Paycheck, Account-based

* Paycheck Journal, Regular

* Payroll Liability Check, Account-based

* Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment), Account-based

* Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability), Account-based

For all other transaction types these two values are the same.

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