Records and Transactions Available for Auto-Numbering

All record, document type, and transaction type numbers are tracked in the Transaction Numbering Audit Log.


Multi-Book Accounting has no impact on transaction numbering.

See the following sections for more information:


On the Entities subtab, you can replace the names of the following record types with numbers:








Document Numbers


For existing customers, configuration options specified on the Transactions subtab prior to 2015.2 were copied to the new Document Numbers subtab. You can reconfigure options on the Document Numbers subtab, as required. If the Transaction Numbers subtab is visible, you can configure options there, as required. To make the Transaction Numbers subtab visible, go to Setup > Company > General Preferences. Check the Show Transaction Numbering Setup box and then save your change.

For new customers, document type numbers are not configured, except for the beginning number, which is set to 1.

Some document types listed on the Document Numbers subtab may not be available if the related features are not enabled in your account.

Auto-generated numbers for document types are external numbers such as the number for a vendor bill, or account based numbers such as a check number. Document numbers can also be type based, which store a document number for type based transactions. Type based numbers are available as custom columns in searches and lists.

When a document type has the Allow Override option enabled, users can unintentionally introduce duplicated document numbers and numbering gaps into your account. To prevent duplicated document type numbers and numbering gaps, you can customize transaction type records to display the Generate TranID on Save box. When this box is checked, NetSuite records the document number when the user saves the transaction record, rather than when the user opens the transaction record. This ensures that the document number is unique for the document type, as if the Allow Override option was not enabled. To display the Generate TranID on Save box on transaction type records and on standard reports, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Locate the transaction type to be customized and then click Customize next to the transaction name. Click the Screen Fields subtab. In the Label column, locate Generate TranID on Save, check the Show box and then save the record.

If the Allow Override option is enabled for a specific document type and the Generate TranID on Save box is not visible in the user interface, NetSuite records the document number when the user opens the transaction record. This permits multiple instances of the same transaction record being assigned the same TranID value. For example, User One opens a transaction record assigned TranID 100. Before User One saves the transaction record, User Two opens a second instance of the same transaction record, which is assigned the same TranID 100.


For external numbering sequences such as vendor bill, the document number is unique for each vendor, which permits the same document number being assigned to more than one vendor. NetSuite prevents a vendor from having a duplicated document number on the same transaction type. This applies to all four external transaction types whether recorded through the user interface or through a CSV import: Bill (Vendor Bill), Bill Credit (Vendor Credit), Credit Card Charge (Customer Credit Card), and Credit Card Refund (CCard Refund).


Updating document numbers irreversibly modifies all of the document numbers on historical transactions.

You can place letters in front of or after the numbers of the following document types:

Assembly Build

Assembly Unbuild

Bin Putaway Worksheet

Bin Transfer

Blanket Purchase Order

Cash Refund

Cash Sale


Credit Memo

Currency Revaluation


Customer Deposit


Deposit Application


Expense Report

Finance Charge


This numbering sequence is shared with Invoice.

Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Cost Revaluation

Inventory Count

Inventory Distribution

Inventory Transfer

Inventory Worksheet



This numbering sequence is shared with Finance Charge.

Item Fulfillment

Item Receipt



Paycheck Journal

Payment (Customer)

Payroll Adjustment


Purchase Contract

Purchase Order

Request For Quote


Return Authorization

Revenue Commitment

Revenue Commitment Reversal

Revenue Contract

Sales Order

Statement Charge

Store Pickup Fulfillment

Tegata Payable

Tegata Receivable


Transfer Order

Vendor Request For Quote

Vendor Return Authorization

Work Order

Work Order Close

Work Order Completion

Work Order Issue

Transaction Numbers

Some transaction types listed on the Transaction Numbers subtab may not be available if the related features are not enabled in your account.

Auto-generated numbers for transaction records are internal, gapless numbers that cannot be overwritten and are generated when the record is saved. These internal numbers are generated for each standard and custom transaction type.

The Transaction Numbers subtab, formerly named Transactions subtab, at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers is invisible by default. If you must configure transaction type options, you can display the Transaction Numbers subtab. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences and check the Show Transaction Numbering Setup box.

Some of the configuration options specified on the former Transactions subtab now appear on the new Transaction Numbers subtab. This occurs for account-based and externally generated numbered transactions because these configuration options modified both document number and transaction number sequences. Account-based and externally generated transactions include the following:

Configuration options specified for transaction types other than account-based or externally generated numbers were copied to the Document Numbers subtab. You can reconfigure options on the Document Numbers subtab, as required.

If you do not have auto-generated numbering set up in your account, document type numbers are configured for the beginning number, which is set to 1.

By default, internal transaction numbers do not display on transaction type records or standard reports, but you can customize any transaction type record to display this number. To display internal transaction numbers on transaction records, go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Locate the transaction type to be customized and then click Customize next to the transaction name. Click the Screen Fields subtab. In the Label column, locate Transaction Number, check the Show box and then save the record. For information about customizing transaction forms, see Custom Forms.

Internal transaction numbers are searchable when the number is hidden or visible on the user interface.

Successful CSV transaction imports are numbered according to the internal transaction numbering sequence at the time the import.

Copied transactions are numbered according to the internal transaction numbering sequence at the time of the import.


In the former Transactions subtab, NetSuite permitted overwriting the internal number of transaction records where the Allow Override option was enabled for the transaction type. In these historical transactions, there may be duplicate internal numbering. In the new Transaction Numbers subtab, NetSuite prohibits overwriting transaction type numbering sequences, instead permitting the overwriting of document numbers. NetSuite does not renumber historical internal transaction numbers.

If the Use Deletion Reason feature is enabled in your account, users must provide a reason for deleting transaction type records. For more information about the feature, see Recording a Reason for Deleting a Transaction.

You can place letters in front of or after the numbers of the following transaction types:

Assembly Build

Assembly Unbuild

Bill (Vendor Bill)

Bill Credit (Vendor Credit)

Bill Payment (Vendor Payment)

Bin Putaway Worksheet

Bin Transfer

Blanket Purchase Order

CCard Refund (Credit Card Refund)

Cash Refund

Cash Sale



Credit Card (Customer Credit Card Charge)

Credit Memo

Currency Revaluation


Customer Deposit

Customer Refund


Deposit Application


Expense Report

Finance Charge


This numbering sequence is shared with Invoice.

Fixed Asset Accrual

Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Cost Revaluation

Inventory Count

Inventory Distribution

Inventory Transfer

Inventory Worksheet



This numbering sequence is shared with Finance Charge.

Item Fulfillment

Item Receipt




Paycheck Journal

Payment (Customer)

Payroll Adjustment


Payroll Liability Check

Purchase Contract

Purchase Order

Request For Quote


Return Authorization

Revenue Commitment

Revenue Commitment Reversal

Revenue Contract

Sales Order

Sales Tax Payment (Tax Payment)

Statement Charge

Store Pickup Fulfillment

Tax Liability Cheque (Tax Liability)

Tegata Payable

Tegata Receivable


Transfer Order

Vendor Request For Quote

Vendor Return Authorization

Work Order

Work Order Close

Work Order Completion

Work Order Issue

Account-based transaction types such as Check, where the numbering sequence is dependent upon a particular account, and transaction types where the numbers are used for external reference such as Vendor Bill, display an additional read-only, auto-generated number in the Transaction Number field.

The following list provides the transaction types where the numbering sequences are either account-based or externally referenced:


The Transaction Number field is visible by default on standard NetSuite forms and not visible by default on customized forms. You can, however, customize a form to display this field.

By default, transaction lists display only the Number field in searches and reporting. If you plan to include the new Transaction Number field, be aware that this value is different from the value in the Number field for the account-based and externally referenced transaction types listed above. For all other transaction types, these two values will be the same.


If you copy an externally referenced transaction such as Vendor Bill, the reference number is not copied. This is to avoid duplicate numbers in the system.


You cannot auto-generate numbers for journals if you enable the Always Allow Per-line Classifications on Journals preference.


On the CRM subtab, you can replace the names of the following records with numbers:




Support Case


On the Schedules subtab, you can replace the names of the following records with numbers:

Amortization Schedule

Revenue Recognition Schedule

Related Topics

General Notices