Items and Inventory Features

Users with the Administrator role can enable the following features on the Items & Inventory subtab of the Enable Features page.




Drop Shipments & Special Orders

Ship items from your vendor directly to your customer.

Matrix Items

Track inventory and pricing of items separately based on item options, such as tracking shirts by color and size.

Multiple Vendors

Manage procurement of items you buy from more than one vendor. Identify and track each vendor's name, item code, and purchase price.

Gift Certificates

Sell gift certificate items of set or variable amounts to customers. When customers purchase gift certificates, they enter recipient information, and the gift certificate message, amount, and code is emailed to the recipient.

Gift certificates are applied toward the total order amount and can be reused if there is a remaining amount after a sale.

Sell Downloadable Files

Enable download item records and online forms with downloads included. You can attach files to download item records that customers can purchase and download in the Web store. The online forms with downloads allow you to offer leads free downloads when they provide their contact information.

You can also use this feature to share files with customers free of charge. For example, you can attach the customer's terms of service to the customer record, and the customer can access the file through the Customer Center.

Bar Coding and Item Labels

Generate bar codes to identify transactions and items. Then, you can print labels with the item's bar code.

Advanced Item Location Configuration

Check this box to enable advanced management of the item attribute information that is associated with each location. Use this feature to filter and access only the data that you need for specific locations.

Merchandise Hierarchy

Create merchandise hierarchies that provide a customized organization of your company’s merchandise to help you analyze sales, purchase, and inventory data.

Personalized Catalog Views

Divide your web store customers into groups and provide each group with access to a tailored selection of catalog items.



Track quantities and profit from buying and selling inventory.


Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Inventory Asset and Cost Of Goods Sold accounts.

Multi-Location Inventory

Track inventory for multiple locations.

You must also enable Locations, Inventory, Advanced Shipping and Advanced Receiving.


After you have enabled the Multi-Location Inventory feature and distributed items, you cannot turn the feature off without contacting Customer Support.


Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Transfer Orders and Inventory In Transit accounts.

Advanced Bill of Materials

Check this box to enable the Advanced Bill of Materials feature.


If you enable this feature, it can introduce changes to assembly, item revision, manufacturing routing, work order, assembly build, and assembly unbuild records. These changes can affect customization and integrations related to these records. For more information, see Advanced Bill of Materials.

Assembly Items

Use raw materials (inventory items) to build assembly items in NetSuite.

Work Orders

Use assembly work orders to track the production of assembly items needed for stock or to fill orders. Work orders track the quantities of assemblies that need to be built and the quantities of components, or member items, needed to do so.


Enabling this feature creates the system-generated Work Orders account.

Serialized Inventory

Track the purchase and sale of physical inventory items by assigning a serial number to each item.


After you have enabled the Serialized Inventory feature and serialized items have been created, the Serialized Inventory feature may not be turned off.

Lot Tracking

Assign lot numbers to groups of inventory items for tracking purposes.


After you have enabled the Lot Tracking feature and the lot tracking items have been created, the Lot Tracking feature may not be turned off.

Bin Management

Create bin records that identify the places you store inventory items within your warehouse and track on-hand quantities.

Tracking bins helps warehouse employees know exactly where to go to find items they need when picking and fulfilling orders. Bins also specify exactly where items need to be place away in stock when you receive them.

Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management

Manage bins and use them with serial and lot numbered inventory.

Inventory Status

Check this box to assign statuses to inventory and drive internal processes. You can also choose to make items unavailable for allocation to orders based on the associated inventory status. For more information, see Inventory Status.

Advanced Inventory Management

Enable NetSuite to anticipate demand for items and adjust suggested item ordering. Purchases of new stock are based on previous purchases and sales of items.

Warehouse Management

Extend the inbound, inventory, and outbound features by enabling processing of specific tasks on a mobile device, from receiving to shipping orders. Use wave transactions to release orders to the warehouse and generate item fulfillments. Waves also enable you to track picking and staging as pickers process released orders through their mobile device.


Use of the Warehouse Management feature requires the following SuiteApps: SCM Mobile and Oracle NetSuite WMS. See Installing the NetSuite WMS SuiteApps.

For more information, see NetSuite WMS Overview.

Advanced Inventory Management

Enable NetSuite to anticipate demand for items and adjust suggested item ordering. Purchases of new stock are based on previous purchases and sales of items.

Landed Cost

Track the costs associated with purchasing items apart from the material cost. For example, landed cost can include duty fees, insurance, and shipping cost.

Supply Allocation

Enable the Supply Allocation feature to expand inventory commitment calculations to consider future inventory on supply orders in addition to current, on-hand inventory.

Sales Channel Allocation

Enable Sales Channel Allocation to track order-to-cash processes by sales channels.

Demand Planning

Calculate future demand for items and use demand plans and supply plans to regulate inventory replenishment. You must enable the Advanced Inventory Management feature to use this feature.

For more details, read Demand Planning.

Distribution Resource Planning

Use the Distribution Resource Planning feature to plan and optimize inventory across locations and, for OneWorld accounts, subsidiaries. Items can be transferred between locations to meet supply needs within a preset distribution network.

Material Requirements Planning

Check the box to activate the Supply Planning feature.

Available to Promise

Check item availability based on outstanding transfer orders, purchase orders, work orders, and sales orders. Read Available to Promise.

Standard Costing

Identify costing opportunities by maintaining standard costs across cost categories and perform variance analysis. Read Standard Costing.

Group Average Costing

Group average costing enables you to track one average cost for an item across multiple locations within a defined group.

Group average costing is available only when you have enabled the Multi-Location Inventory feature. Group average costing is available for inventory items and assembly items.

Manufacturing Work In Process

Allows WIP tracking with work order issue and completion against a work order. Read Manufacturing Work In Process (WIP).

Outsourced Manufacturing

Allow tracking of Outsourced Manufacturing process (you own some of the components inventory). Automation between Work Orders, Purchase Orders, Item Receipts and Assembly builds.)

Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment

In NetSuite OneWorld, check this box to use the Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment feature to fulfill orders and receive returns across multiple subsidiaries. For more information, see Intercompany Cross-Subsidiary Fulfillment.

Centralized Purchasing and Billing

Enable the Centralized Purchasing and Billing feature in your OneWorld account to receive orders and fulfill vendor returns across multiple subsidiaries.

Inventory Count

Support improved tracking of inventory and tighter control over assets. When this feature is enabled, you can enter regular periodic counts of on-hand item quantities to maintain inventory accuracy. Keeping an accurate item count can help reduce required safety stock, which lowers your overhead costs.

Manufacturing Routing and Work Center

Record quantity completions, resource costs, and overheads against a list of work order operations.

Supply Chain Control Tower

Check this box to simulate inventory supply and demand across your supply chain. For more information, see Supply Chain Control Tower.

Related SuiteApps

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Grid Order Management

For more information, see the following.

Related Topics

General Notices