Centers Overview

The flexible NetSuite user interface adjusts automatically to different users' business needs. For each user, NetSuite displays a variable set of tabbed pages, called a center, based on the user's assigned role. Each NetSuite center provides, for users with related roles, the pages and links they need to do their jobs.

Each tabbed page of each center displays a collection of real-time data called a dashboard. Dashboard data is displayed in a variety of dynamic data display windows called portlets. NetSuite allows individual users to personalize their own dashboards, and allows administrators to publish personalized dashboards to other users.

When a user logs in to NetSuite, the system determines the user's last used role and account, or the user’s default role if indicated, and displays the associated center. If a user has multiple assigned roles, the user’s roles are displayed under the Change Roles list in the upper right corner of the page. For more information, see Roles and Accounts. When a user changes roles, the interface refreshes to display a different center as needed.

NetSuite includes several standard centers. Each standard center is designed to make the most-used links available for the roles that use that center. For example, the Accounting Center's tabbed pages provide data and links that are relevant for Accountants, Bookkeepers, Payroll Managers, and Clerks.

For users with business needs that do not match the setup of the standard centers, NetSuite supports customization of the user interface in the following ways:

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