Generating Payment Tokens

Before you can start initiating and processing payments, you must generate payment tokens that the payment processor will use. This is a one-time setup. This task can be handled by the Administrator


To generate payment tokens:

  1. Go to SuiteBanking > Setup > Token.

  2. Enter your NetSuite password in the Password field.

Regeneration of Payment Tokens

For security reasons, you should regenerate payment tokens every 24 months.

The payment audit trial indicates the user that has generated payment tokens.

If the user that has generated the payment tokens during the initial setup leaves the company, another user must regenerate the tokens.

Related Topics

Setting Up Payment Automation
Installing the Payment Automation SuiteApp
Applying for an HSBC Online Account
Setting Up Approval Routing
Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Setting Up Roles and Permissions
Setting up a Custom Role to Make Money Transfers
Setting Default Department, Class, and Location Values
Frequently Asked Questions about Payment Automation

General Notices