Frequently Asked Questions about Payment Automation
This section contains frequently asked questions related to Payment Automation that concern the following topics:
Bank Account Onboarding
License Validation
Account Management and Maintenance
Bank Account Information
Check Payments
ACH Payments
Daily Limit Validation
Vendors and Payment Optimization
Virtual Card Payments
Adding, Removing, or Modifying the Virtual Card Program Administrator
Resetting the Four-Digit Program Administrator Verification ID
Amending, Canceling, Recalling, or Blocking Virtual Card Payments
Ad Hoc Mid-Cycle Payment to Pay off the Virtual Card Balance
Making an Ad Hoc Mid-Cycle Payment to Clear the Virtual Card Balance
Accessing an Older Virtual Card Statement Not Available on the Payment Automation Dashboard
Clearing Virtual Card Account Delinquency and Reactivating the Account
Submitting a Notice of Suspected Virtual Card Fraudulent Activity
Billing for Bank Accounts
Submitting a Query Regarding Changes to Fees and Charges on the Statement
Submitting a Query Regarding Billing Transactions or Charges
Changing the Allocation of the Credit Limit between ACH and Virtual Cards after Onboarding