Promotion System Flags

You can control certain aspects of how and when promotions calculate on a NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) register during a sales transactions.

Control Promotion Calculations on Demand

As the sales associate adds items to the journal during checkout, NSPOS reviews promotions that include those items and automatically applies the promotions that bring the largest discounts to the customer. Adding items or changing quantities in the journal might qualify the customer for different promotions and larger discounts. Voiding an item or quantity might make the transaction ineligible for a promotion already applied, requiring another review to find the best discount.

Because the review and recalculate process occurs with each change, the customer and the sales associate can view the discounts being applied in real-time. However, if transaction includes many items and you have many promotions, the automatic process can lead to performance issues, delaying the time required to tender out the transaction.

To avoid performance issues, you can check (enable) the Tender: Calculate Promotions on Demand flag. If checked, NSPOS only applies promotions when the sales associate does one of the following:

When tapped, the applied promotions and discount amounts display in the journal for review. If a customer makes changes such as adding another item to qualify for a promotion, the sales associate can tap the button again to recalculate the results.

Flag Name


Tender: Calculate Promotions on Demand

If checked, only calculate promotions when the sales associate clicks Amt Due or another button that is customized to calculate promotions on demand.

Default is cleared.

To enable or disable Calculate Promotions on Demand:

  1. Sign in to any NSPOS register as an administrator.

  2. Press Ctrl+F10 to open Universal Settings.

  3. Enter Promotion in the search field.

  4. Check or clear the box for the options.

  5. Tap Done.

    Changes are applied to the register immediately. Changes are applied to other registers in your network the next time they are restarted.

Control Manual Discounts on Promotion Items

You can set NSPOS flags to control the interaction of manual discounts and promotions on items purchased at the register. This can assist you in preventing too large of a discount to apply.

Flag Name


Discount: Discount promoted items

If checked, allow sales associates to manually discount an item included in a promotion without displaying an alert.

If the box is clear, allow the manual discount but display an alert. A manager or administrator authorization may be required.

Default is checked.

Discount: Promote discount items

If checked, allow an item that received a manual discount to be included in a promotion.

If the box is clear, items receiving a manual discount cannot also receive a promotional discount.

Default is clear.


This flag is applicable to customers using the advanced promotion process only. It has no effect for classic promotions.

To set Promotion Discount flags:

  1. Sign in to any NSPOS register as an administrator.

  2. Press Ctrl+F10 to open Universal Settings.

  3. Enter Discount or Promo in the search field.

  4. Check or clear the box for the options.

  5. Tap Done.

    Changes are applied to the register immediately. Changes are applied to other registers in your network the next time they are restarted.

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