Specifying Permission and UI Settings

After you have entered name and display settings for the custom record type, you enter permission and UI settings.

To enter permission and UI settings:

  1. On the Custom Record Type page, select a permissions model from the Access Type list:

    • Require Custom Record Entries Permission indicates that only users logging in with a role with permission granted to the custom record type can access it.

    • Use Permission List grants access to the custom record type according to the permissions set up on the Permissions subtab of this page.

    • No Permission Required makes the custom record type publicly available.

    For more information, see Setting Permissions for a Custom Record Type.

  2. To indicate that this record can be accessed only through SuiteScript, clear the Allow UI Access box. By default, this box is checked.

    When this box is not checked, users cannot access the custom record type from the NetSuite user interface. Also, the following custom record options are disabled: Allow Mobile Access, Allow Quick Search, Allow Quick Add, and Include in Search Menu.

  3. To indicate that this record should be accessible on mobile devices through the NetSuite iPhone application, check the Allow Mobile Access box.

    This box, which is disabled by default, is not available if the Allow UI Access box is cleared.

  4. Enter file and child record settings. See Configuring File and Child Record Settings.

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