Entering Name and Display Settings

After you create a new custom record type, you enter a name and description for the custom record type as well as display settings for custom record entries.

To enter a name and display settings for the custom record type:

  1. In the Name field, enter a name for the record type.

    The maximum number of characters you can enter in the Name field is 40.

  2. In the ID field, enter a unique alphanumeric ID for the custom record. For information about best practices and naming conventions, see Conventions for Naming Custom Objects. For information about changing an existing ID, see Changing the ID of a Custom Object.

  3. In the Owner field, select the owner of this custom record type.

    Only the owner can modify this record type.

  4. In the Description field, enter a description of this record type.

  5. To include a required Name field on each record entry, check the Include Name Field box.

    If you check this box, the Name field appears as the first field on the record and in the record list. If you do not check this box, your records are automatically assigned a number based on the order in which they are entered.

  6. To display the record entry ID that is automatically assigned by NetSuite to each new record entry, check Show ID.


    The assignment of internal IDs to new records is sequential. However, the sequence of internal IDs does not indicate when or in which order records were added.

  7. In the Show Creation Date field, to display the creation date and time on each record entry, check the On Record box. To display the creation date and time for each record entry in your list for this record type, check the On List box.

  8. In the Show Last Modified field, to display the last modified date and time on each record entry, check the On Record box. To display the last modified date and time for each record entry in your list for this record type, check the On List box.

  9. In the Show Owner field, choose an option:

    • To display the record owner on each record entry, check the On Record box. The record owner is the person who creates the record entry.

    • To display the record owner for each record entry in your list for this record type, check the On List box.

    • To permit the record entry owner to be changed, check the Allow Change box. If you permit the owner to be changed, you must also show the owner on the record entry. An Owner field is displayed on your record entries as a list of people with login access to your NetSuite account. The Owner field on each record entry defaults to the current person entering the record.

  10. Enter permission and UI settings. See Specifying Permission and UI Settings.

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