Override China Cash Flow Item


This feature requires the China Localization SuiteApp


NetSuite automatically uses the China Cash Flow Item defined in the item record or in the chart of accounts. When creating a new transaction, NetSuite China Localization, enables you to change the China Cash Flow Item field value as needed. This is used to generate the China Cash Flow Statement report. For more information about the cash flow item logic, see Cash Flow Item Default Logic For China Cash Flow Values In Transactions.

See the Guidelines for Working with China Cash Flow Item in Journal Entries for important information when working with China Cash Flow Item in journal entries.

See Setting up China Cash Flow Item for Chart of Accounts for important information in setting up reporting rules for the chart of accounts in the China Cash Flow Statement Report.


If the China Cash Flow Statement feature is disabled in the China Localization Preferences is disabled, any change in the Cash Flow Item category you make will not be collected. Go to Setup > China Localization > Preferences and confirm your settings. For more information, see Enable or Disable a China Localization Feature.

The following table describes the transactions where you can override the China Cash Flow Item field:


Transaction Types

Accounts Payable (A/P)


Bill Credit

Expense Report

Vendor Return Authorization


Vendor Prepayment

Accounts Receivable (A/R)


Credit Memo

Cash Refund

Cash Sale

Customer Deposit

Customer Refund

Return Authorization

Statement Charge


Journal Entry

Void Journal

Void Transactions Using Reversing Journals (checks, bill payments, and customer refunds)

Note that only the transactions where there is a payment or a deposit will be used in the reports. For details on financial reports for China, see Financial Reports for China.

Override China Cash Flow Item When Creating a Transaction

The following describes the steps to override the China Cash Flow Item field while creating a transaction:

To Override China Cash Flow Item When Creating a Transaction

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales and select the transaction to create.

    • For deposits, go to Transactions > Bank > Make Deposits.

    • For estimates, go to Transactions > Sales > Prepare Estimates.

    • For sales orders, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

    • For invoices, go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoice.

    • For credit memos, go to Transactions > Customers > Issue Credit Memos.

    • For customer refunds, go to Transactions > Customers > Issue Customer Refund.

    • For refunding cash sales, go to Transactions > Customers > Refund Cash Sales.

    • For cash sales, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Cash Sales.

    • For vendor prepayments, go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Vendor Prepayment.

    • For customer payment, go to Transactions > Customers > Accept Customer Payments.

    • For vendor payment, go to Transactions > Payables > Pay Single Vendor or Pay Bills.

  2. In the Classification section you will find the China Cash Flow Item dropdown. Select a cash flow classification from the list. See China Cash Flow Item Classification for details. If Use Header CFI Value to Override Line Items Under the Subtabs is enabled at the subsidiary level, the category set in this field will override the categories in the line items. See Setting Up China Cash Flow Item for Subsidiary for more details. If left blank, the Cash Flow Item values in the line items will be followed.

    • For Accounts Payable transactions, only cash outflow classification items can be selected.

    • For Accounts Receivable transactions, only cash inflow classification items can be selected.

  3. (Optional) Under the Expenses, Items, and/or Lines subtab, select a China Cash Flow Item from the dropdown per line item. This takes priority over the China Cash Flow Item set in the Classification section. These lines will use the value selected in the China Cash Flow Item field in the classification section if left blank. If the Use Header CFI Value to Override Line Items Under the Subtabs feature is enabled in the subsidiary settings, this is overridden by the classifier set at the transaction record. For more information, see Setting Up China Cash Flow Item for Subsidiary.

  4. Complete the form as needed.

  5. Click Save.

Override China Cash Flow Item When Making Journal Entries

The following describes the steps to override the China Cash Flow Item field while creating a journal entry:

To Override China Cash Flow Item When Making Journal Entries:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Make Journal Entries.

  2. Complete the form. See Making Journal Entries . For non-bank journal entries, you can enter positive or negative values in the credit or debit line without affecting the direction of the Cash Flow Item category selected.

  3. In the Lines subtab select a cash flow item in the China Cash Flow Item column. See China Cash Flow Item Classification for details.

    For line items that do not involve bank accounts but are in the same journal entry with lines involving bank accounts (journal entries with mixed bank and non-bank lines):

    • If you enter positive credit or negative debit, and select a cash inflow classification item, then a positive amount will be collected.

    • If you enter positive credit or negative debit, and select a cash outflow classification item, then a negative amount will be collected.

    • If you enter negative credit or positive debit, and select a cash outflow classification item, then a positive amount will be collected.

    • If you enter negative credit or positive debit, and select a cash inflow classification item, then a negative amount will be collected.

    • If a Default Cash Inflow Item or a Default Cash Outflow Item is defined for your subsidiary, it will be automatically selected by default. You can change this as needed.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

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