Refunding a Cash Sale

A cash sale refund is a transaction that gives money back to a customer who immediately paid for goods or services using cash, a check or a credit card.

To refund a cash sale:

  1. Go to Transactions > Customers > Refund Cash Sales.

  2. Under Primary Information:

    1. In the Custom Form field, select a cash refund form.

    2. Accept the next consecutive refund number, or enter another.

    3. In the Customer or Project field, select the customer whose sale you are refunding.

    4. (Optional) If you want to refund the money using a check, check the Create Check box.

      To print it later from the checks queue, check the Print Check box.


      This is the only way to print this check. If you click Print after you fill in the appropriate information about this page, it prints the refund form rather than your check.

    5. (Optional) If you want to refund the money using a credit card, go to the Billing subtab. On the Payment subtab, fill out the credit card information.

    6. Select the bank account you are using for this refund.

      The currency associated with this bank account is shown here.

    7. If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, select the currency you want to use for this transaction. Only the currencies set on the customer's record are available in this field. The customer's primary currency is selected by default. For more information, see Customers and Multiple Currencies.

      If you change the currency on the record, prices and amounts are updated to the currency you select.

    8. You can change the exchange rate for this transaction only or update the rate on the currency record.

    9. Accept today's date, or enter another.

    10. Select the period you want to post this refund to.

    11. If your customer paid by check, enter the check number.

    12. Enter a memo with notes on the transaction.

      You can change the sales effective date for this transaction. The sales effective date determines which commission plan and historical sales team this transaction applies to.

  3. Under Sales Information:

    1. Associate sales reps with this transaction by doing one of the following:

      • If you do not use the Team Selling feature, select the sales rep or sales group in the Sales Rep field.

        The sales rep or sales group associated with the customer on this transaction is chosen by default.

      • If you use the Team Selling feature, click the Sales Team subtab.

        Select the sales team for this transaction. For more information, see Associating Sales Teams with Customers and Transactions.

    2. Select a partner to associate with this order. If you use the Multi-Partner Management feature, you can associate partners with this transaction on the Entering Relationships on a Transaction subtab.

    3. Check Exclude Commissions to exclude this transaction and its subordinate transactions from inclusion in all commission calculations. For example, selecting this box on a sales order excludes the sales order and the resulting invoice from all commission calculations for all sales people.

    4. You can change the sales effective date for this transaction. The sales effective date determines which commission plan and historical sales team this transaction applies to.

  4. Under Classification, select a subsidiary, department, class, and location you want this order associated with.


    If you use NetSuite OneWorld and the selected customer is shared with multiple subsidiaries, you can choose any subsidiary assigned to the selected customer. For information about sharing customer records with multiple subsidiaries, see Assigning Subsidiaries to a Customer.

The page for refunding a cash sale has several subtabs. The subtabs that display on the page are determined by the setting and options you have enabled. The following list includes possible subtabs.

If you refunded your customer in the form of a check and click Print, it prints your refund form rather than your check. To print this check, go to Customers > Transactions > Print Checks and Forms.

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