Inactivating Users

If an employee is terminated, or you revoke a customer's access, you might also want to inactivate the record. Inactive users do not appear in record lists.

Here are some cases in which you would want to inactivate a user record:

When you inactivate a user:

Inactive users do not appear in entity lists unless the Show Inactives box is checked.

Any jobs, for example, reports or scripts, that were scheduled by a user who is now inactive are not run. The jobs are still available, but the schedule is deleted.

Mass Updates process inactive records unless criteria is added to the update to exclude inactive records.

To inactivate a user:

  1. Open the record list page.

    • Lists > Employees > Employees

    • Lists > Relationships > Vendors

    • Lists > Relationships > Partners

    • Lists > Relationships > Customers

  2. Click Edit beside the user record you want to inactivate.

  3. Click the System Information subtab.

  4. Check the Inactive box.

    Inactive box on the System Information subtab.
  5. Click Save.

To see inactivated users, go to the appropriate list of records and check the Show Inactives box at the top of the list.

To activate an inactivated user:

  1. Open the record list page.

    • Lists > Employees > Employees

    • Lists > Relationships > Vendors

    • Lists > Relationships > Partners

    • Lists > Relationships > Customers

  2. Check the Show Inactives box at the top of the list.

  3. Click Edit beside the user record you want to activate.

  4. Click the System Information subtab.

  5. Clear the Inactivate box.

  6. Click Save.

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