Viewing SuiteApp Installation or Uninstallation Status

The SuiteApp status is the current state of the SuiteApp workflow after an install, upgrade, or uninstall has been initiated.

Some states of the SuiteApp can be viewed in the SuiteApp Marketplace, and all of the states can be viewed on the Installed SuiteApps page.

To view the SuiteApp installation status in the SuiteApp Marketplace, go to SuiteApps. The SuiteApp Marketplace appears. For the desired SuiteApp, click the SuiteApp tile. The SuiteApp details page appears, and the status can be viewed in the top right area of the page.

Only the following states can appear on the SuiteApp details page of the SuiteApp Marketplace:

Additional intermediate states can be viewed on the Installed SuiteApps page by going to Customization > SuiteCloud Development > Installed SuiteApp List. For more information, see Viewing and Uninstalling SDF SuiteApps in a NetSuite Account and Deployment Logs for SuiteCloud Projects.

For information about possible states, see:

SuiteApp Workflow

The following states are possible for a SuiteApp during the installation, upgrade, or uninstallation process:


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