EMEA Localization Tax Reporting Elements

The EMEA Localization SuiteApp installs several additional tax-related fields, appearing in different records (mostly transactions or items). Some of these fields will only be displayed if a specific country-level nexus is selected.

Additional fields are as follows:

Field Name




Company Registration Number

  • Company Information record (Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Company Information)

  • Subsidiary record (Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries > New)

  • Customer record (Lists > Relationships > Customers > New)

  • Vendor record (Lists > Relationships > Vendors > New)

  • Belgium

  • France

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Netherlands

  • Sweden

  • United Kingdom

You can use this field to enter a registration number of your company (or your subsidiary). For example, you can use the Chamber of Commerce registration number, SIRET, or HVB number.

Do not enter the VAT registration number into this field. There is a separate field for it in the system.

Country of Origin

  • Field: Tax Reporting subtab of an item

  • Field: Tax Reporting subtab of a transaction

  • Line field: Items and Billable Items sublists

  • All EU countries

  • United Kingdom

Applies to Intrastat – Dispatches reports. Name of the country where the goods were harvested, manufactured, or substantially changed. For more information, see Country of Origin

Financial Contact

  • Company Information record (Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Company Information)

  • Subsidiary record (Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries > New)

  • Belgium

  • France

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Netherlands

  • Sweden

  • United Kingdom

You can use this field to enter an email of your financial contact (a person responsible for dealing with taxation authorities).


Tax Reporting subtab of sales and purchase transactions (with EU vendor or customer selected)

  • Belgium

  • Ireland

  • United Kingdom

This is a three-letter code that indicates the delivery terms. This field is available on Purchase transactions. For more information, see Delivery Terms.

Mode of Transport

Tax Reporting subtab of transactions (with EU vendor or customer selected)

  • Belgium

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Netherlands

It is a one-digit code of the active vehicle that moves goods for every arrival or dispatch transaction. For more information, see Mode of Transport.

Nature of Transaction Code

Tax Reporting subtab of transactions (with EU vendor or customer selected)

  • Belgium

  • France

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Netherlands

  • Sweden

  • United Kingdom

The code indicating the type of transaction in the Intrastat declaration. For more information, see Nature of Transaction Code.

Region of Destination (Land)

Tax Reporting subtab of transactions (with EU vendor or customer selected)

  • Belgium

  • France

  • Germany

This field applies to Intrastat - Arrivals. It refers to the region of an EU member state where the arriving goods are intended to remain and be used, or consumed, or treated. For more information, see Region of Origin and Destination.

Region of Origin (Land)

Tax Reporting subtab of transactions (with EU vendor or customer selected)

  • Belgium

  • France

  • Germany

This field applies to Intrastat - Dispatches. It refers to the region of an EU member state of dispatch where the goods were produced or manufactured, assembled, processed, repaired or maintained, or where the commercial process took place. For more information, see Region of Origin and Destination.

Statistical Procedure

Tax Reporting subtab of transactions (with EU vendor or customer selected)

  • Netherlands

The two-digit code indicating the particularization of the commodity flow in Netherlands. For more information, see Statistical Procedure.

Statistical Value

Each item line of a transaction (with EU vendor or customer selected)

  • Germany

  • Ireland

It refers to the value of the goods from the German border. For more information, see Statistical Value.

To learn more about the nexuses in SuiteTax and their levels, see Nexus Records in SuiteTax.

For more information about EC Sales List and Intrastat reports, read the following topics:

To generate an Intrastat Arrivals or Dispatches report, or EC Sales List, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.

Related Topics

General Notices