Region of Origin and Destination


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Report page to generate the Intrastat Supplementary Declaration for Dispatches and Arrivals reports. If you are using the EU Intrastat Report page, see Intrastat Reporting Fields.

Region of Origin is the land where the goods were produced or manufactured, assembled, processed, repaired or maintained, or where the commercial process took place. Region of Destination is the land where the arriving goods are intended to remain or be used, consumed, or treated.

When you choose an EU vendor or customer on a transaction form for your Belgium or Germany subsidiary, the Tax Reporting subtab displays the Region of Origin or Region of Destination fields. You must fill in these fields for them to be included on the Intrastat report.

The Intrastat Arrivals and Dispatches reports for Belgium and Germany declare the Region of Origin and Destination through the following codes:

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