Choosing an Intrastat Declaration Type


This feature is currently only available in generating an Intrastat report for a company or subsidiary in Belgium.

The Intrastat Supplementary Declaration for Dispatches or Arrivals can be a Standard (simplified) or Extended (detailed) Declaration. Refer to the country’s tax reporting regulation to determine which type of declaration you need to report. With Tax Reporting Framework, you can choose to generate a Standard or Extended Declaration type of Intrastat report.


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Report page to generate the Intrastat Supplementary Declaration for Dispatches and Arrivals reports. If you are using the EU Intrastat Report page, see EU Intrastat Report.

To choose an Intrastat Declaration type:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.

  2. On the Subsidiary list, select an EU subsidiary.

  3. On the Nexus list, a default nexus is selected. If you have multiple nexuses in your subsidiary, you may choose a different nexus from the list.

  4. On the Report Name list, select the Intrastat report that you want to generate.

    If the report is not available on the list, then you are missing a SuiteApp required for generating localized tax reports. Refer to the table on Tax Reporting Framework Localization Requirements and install the required SuiteApp.

  5. The Set Up Tax Filing button appears on the Country Tax Report page. Click the button to open the Tax Filing Setup page in another window.

  6. On the Declaration Type list, select a declaration type:

    • Standard – simplified declaration

    • Extended – detailed declaration

  7. Click Save.

You can now generate the selected Intrastat Declaration type. To generate a report, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports

For more information about Intrastat, see Intrastat Supplementary Declaration.

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