Belgium Chart of Accounts

The Belgium Localization SuiteApp provides the Belgium Chart of Accounts template. You can use this template to set up your NetSuite Chart of Accounts according to the statutory requirements in Belgium.

The template is available in XLS format for you to download, adjust, and import to NetSuite using the CSV Import Assistant. You can use the Belgium Chart of Accounts saved CSV import, which contains the mapping of the accounts, so that you do not have to do it manually on the Import Assistant.

To access the Belgium Chart of Accounts, go to Setup > Belgium Localization > Belgium Chart of Accounts.


If you had installed a Chart of Accounts (for example, for a different subsidiary), do not install the Belgium Chart of Accounts. As a best practice, do not install more than one Chart of Accounts. Use Accounting Contexts instead. For more information, see Accounting Contexts.

In importing the Chart of Accounts, follow these requirements:

You can import the Belgium Chart of Accounts in CSV with summary accounts. After importing, the summary account will be marked as Summary, and Inactive.

Chart of Accounts Access and Permissions

Only an Administrator role can access the Belgium Chart of Accounts installation page. As administrator, you can grant other roles the access to this page. For more information, see Granting Access to Belgium Chart of Accounts Installation Page. For information about the possible restrictions that you may encounter on this page, see Note About Access to the Belgium Chart of Accounts Installation Page.

Notes about the Belgium Chart of Accounts Field Mapping

If you removed a column from the Belgium Chart of Accounts CSV file, you may have to verify that the field mapping is as you preferred.

You can adjust the mapping as necessary on Step 4 Field Mapping of the CSV Import Assistant. For more information, see Editing the Belgium Chart of Accounts Field Mapping.

The following table shows the default field mapping of the Belgium Chart of Accounts CSV fields to the NetSuite fields:

Belgium Chart of Accounts CSV Fields

NetSuite Fields

English Name

Account: Name


Account: Number


Account: Type


Account: Summary

External ID

Account: External ID

Include Children

Account: Include Children

Subaccount of (External ID)

Account: Subaccount of


Account: Subsidiaries

Dutch Legal Name

Account – Localization 1: Name


Account – Localization 1: Language

French Legal Name

Account – Localization 2: Name

French (France)

Account – Localization 2: Language

Known Error in Belgium Chart of Accounts CSV Import

When you import the Belgium Chart of Accounts CSV and the results showed an error that starts with Invalid Reference Key “10”, this indicates a language-related error.

The Belgium Chart of Accounts saved CSV import also, by default, contains the mapping of Dutch Legal Name and French Legal Name. If you do not have Dutch and French (France) set up in the General Preferences page, the import results in this error.

You can resolve this error in two ways:

  • On the Field Mapping page of the Import Assistant, you can delete the Dutch Legal Name, Dutch, French Legal Name, and French mappings. Then, proceed with the import.

    Consequently, the import will be successful, but there will be no localized legal names in your imported accounts.

  • Alternatively, go to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences. On the Languages subtab, add Dutch, and French (France) languages. Then, repeat the import.

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General Notices