Sweden Intrastat

Intrastat is the system for collecting information and producing statistics on the trade of goods between the Member States of the European Union (EU). The requirements of Intrastat are similar in all Member States. For more information, see Intrastat Supplementary Declaration.

The Sweden Tax Reports SuiteApp provides the SuiteTax-based Intrastat Supplementary Declaration reports for Sweden. These reports have been updated to meet the requirements brought by Brexit in 2021.

You can generate these reports using the Country Tax Reports page provided by the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp. For more information, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.

The reports can also be exported in PDF and XLS formats. For more information, see Exporting a Country Tax Report.

Sweden Intrastat Dispatches

The Intrastat – Dispatches report provides information about goods shipped to customers in another EU Member State including Northern Ireland.

The information displayed in the declaration is based on your item and transaction records in NetSuite. Only item types classified as goods in intra-community sales transactions are included in the report.

The Intrastat – Dispatches report includes the following information:

Report Field


Member Country of Destination

Code of the EU member state to where the goods were moved to be used or consumed, treated, or processed. This field is derived from the Shipping Address for sales transactions, or Billing Address for purchase transactions.

Nature of Transaction Code

Code indicating the type of transaction in the Intrastat report. For more information, see Sweden Nature of Transaction Code.

Commodity Code

The eight-digit number identifier for the type of goods in the Dispatch declaration.

Supplementary Units

The number of units used in the selected commodity code. For more information, see Supplementary Unit.

Net Mass (Kg)

Net mass in full kilograms of the commodity. This field is derived from the Item Weight field on the item record. For more information, see Net Mass Requirement in Sweden Intrastat


Billed value of declared commodity in currency of reported subsidiary.

Partner ID

VAT number of the customer to whom the goods are dispatched to. Sourced from:

  • For Bill Credit: Tax Details > Vendor Tax Reg. Number

  • For Invoice/Cash Sale: Tax Details > Customer Tax Reg. Number

If the above fields are empty, the report will automatically fill in QV999999999999. This value is used for private individuals or businesses not registered for VAT.

Country of Origin

2–Digit ISO code of the country where the goods were harvested, manufactured, or substantially changed. For more information, see Country of Origin

Sweden Intrastat Arrivals

The Intrastat – Arrivals report provides information about goods received from suppliers in another EU Member State including Northern Ireland.

The information displayed in the declaration is based on your item and transaction records in NetSuite. Only item types classified as goods in intracommunity purchase transactions are included in the report.

The Intrastat – Arrivals report includes the following information:

Report Field


Member Country of Consignment

Country code of the EU member state from where the goods were sent. This field is derived from the shipping address for sales transactions, and billing address for purchase transactions.

Nature of Transaction Code

Code indicating the type of transaction in the Intrastat report. For more information, see Sweden Nature of Transaction Code.

Commodity Code

The eight-digit number identifier for the type of goods in the Arrivals declaration.

Supplementary Units

For certain commodity code, the unit of measurement must be specified. For more information, see Supplementary Unit.

Net Mass (Kg)

Net mass in full kilograms of the commodity. This field is derived from the Item Weight field on the item record. For more information, see Net Mass Requirement in Sweden Intrastat


Net mass value is an essential part of the reported data and must be included. Providing reported items are not linked to an Item Weight on their respective Item records, Net mass cannot be calculated.


Billed value of declared commodity in currency of reported subsidiary.

Net Mass Requirement in Sweden Intrastat

To comply with the Intrastat requirements, the items included in the Intrastat report must have net mass information. When viewing generated reports, the list of items missing the net mass value will be displayed in the report window.

To prevent issues related to missing net mass information, you must fill in the Item Weight field on the Sales/Pricing subtab of the item record. This requirement applies to items that have tax item type set to Goods.


You can also update the item weight in bulk using the CSV Import Assistant. Note that you can only import one item type at a time. If the CSV file provided on the Intrastat page notification contains different item types, you will have to ensure you are importing only one item type (for example, Inventory Item) at one time. Then, you can import again for another item type.

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General Notices