Background Processing of Fixed Assets

To optimize application and database servers, mechanisms have been implemented to govern the usage of SuiteScript. SuiteScript thresholds are based on the volume of activity that a company's users can manually generate, as well as a provision for automated functions.

This is why, in the Fixed Assets Management SuiteApp, processes for FAM transactions and report generation are carried out in the background, and are controlled by scheduled server scripts and process records.

processes (Asset Creation, Asset Proposal, Asset Generation, Asset Depreciation, Asset Revaluation, Asset Disposal, Asset Split, Asset Transfer) (Asset Register Report, Asset Summary Report, and Depreciation Schedule Report)

To view the status of a process, you can look at the FAM Process List.

Process Status Page

To view the status of a process, go to the Process Status page (Fixed Assets > Background Processing > Status).

FAM Process Status page

The process status page displays the 20 most recent processes.

The following table describes each column on the Process Status page:



Internal ID

Click the internal ID to open the FAM process record, and view more details about the selected process.

Process Name

Identifies the process that was triggered.

Date Created

Shows the date when the process was triggered.


Shows the current status of the process:

  • Queued – The process is Waiting for the process that is currently in progress to finish its run.

  • In Progress – The process is currently running. Only 1 process may be in progress at any time.

  • Deferred – The Generate Depreciation Schedule process, triggered by the precompute scheduled script, may be deferred when another transaction is queued. The deferred process will be resumed when no other process is queued.

  • Completed – The process was successfully completed, with no errors

  • Completed with Errors – The process was completed, but some errors were encountered. Click the Error link to view information about the error that occurred.

  • Failed – The process was not completed. Click the Error link to view information about the error that occurred.

Process Stage

Identifies the specific stage of the process that is currently running. The process stage is visible only when the process is currently running.


Click the Details link to view details about the specific stages in the process. For more information, see Process Stage Details.


Processes with a status of Failed or Completed with Errors are highlighted in red. You can click the Error link to view details of the problem that occurred.

Process Stage Details

FAM Process Stage Details page




Indicates the total number of stages in the process as well as their order in the queue.

Process Stage

Identifies the specific stages of the process.

Date Created

Shows the date when the process stage was triggered.


Shows the current status of the process stage:

  • Not Required – The process stage was skipped.

  • Queued – The process stage is waiting for the in progress process to finish its run.

  • In Progress – The process stage is currently running. Only 1 process may be in progress at any time.

  • Deferred – The Generate Depreciation Schedule process, triggered by the precompute scheduled script, may be deferred when another process is queued. The deferred process will be resumed when no other process is queued.

  • Completed – The process stage was successfully completed, with no errors

  • Completed with Errors – The process stage was completed, but some errors were encountered. Click the Error link to view information about the error that occurred.

  • Failed – The process stage was not completed. Click the Error link to view information about the error that occurred.

Start / End

The start and end columns indicate the amount of time it took the process stage to complete its run.


Shows the number of files or records that were created or updated by the process stage.


The process stages with a status of Failed or Completed with Errors, are highlighted in red. You can click the Error link to view details of the problem that occurred.

Note that when you are processing large volumes of data or records, you may see duplicate entries of the same process.

Process List

You can see the status of a process by viewing the FAM Process record for that process in the FAM Process List.

To view the process record:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Background Processing > FAM Process List.

    The current status of the background process is indicated by the message displayed in the Status column.

  2. Click the View link next to the required record to see more details about the message.

Fixed Assets Custom Plug-In

Starting with Fixed Assets Management 2017.2, the custom plug-in nsFamObject applied to FAM asset transactions (Proposal, Creation, Revaluation, and Disposal) is no longer supported. This custom plug-in uses BG Process architecture which was replaced by FAM Process Manager in version 2017.2.

Scheduled Server Scripts for Controlling Asset Transactions

To view the status of any of the scheduled scripts controlling asset transactions, go to Setup > Customization > Script Deployments > Status.

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