Asset Types

Before you create an asset record, you must create asset types. Each asset must be assigned an asset type, which defaults some of the asset variables (on creation of new assets) and groups assets in reports and during processing.

To create an asset type:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Setup > Asset Types > New.

  2. Provide values for the following fields:

    • Name – Enter a name for the asset type. For example, Furniture & Fixtures.

    • Description – Enter a general description for the asset type.

    • Accounting Method – Select the default depreciation method (formula) to use when creating assets of this type. This method will be used to calculate the values that will be entered into the accounting system.

    • Residual Percentage – Enter the percentage value of the original cost which the asset will be worth at the end of its lifetime. For example, an asset purchased for $1,000.00 may be worth $100.00 at the end of its lifetime, so the residual value percentage would be 10% (10% of $1,000.00 is $100.00). Entering a residual value will always override the default value calculated using the percentage.

    • Asset Lifetime – Enter the expected lifetime of the asset, in multiples of the depreciation period.

    • Operating Lease – Check this box to indicate that the asset type will be used for assets that are generated from an operating lease. Clear this box if you are setting up an asset type for a finance lease.

      • When you set the asset type to operating lease, you can no longer change it back to a normal asset type. Other Methods will also be tagged as Operating Lease.

      • Setting the asset type to Operating Lease will auto-compute the Residual Value Percentage.

  3. Enter values in the fields on each of the subtabs:

  4. Click Save.

    After saving the record, the Lifetimes subtab becomes available.

  5. Enter values in the Lifetimes Subtab.

  6. Click Save.

General Subtab

On the General subtab, provide values for the following fields:

Accounts Subtab


Account values must be populated if the tax method is associated to an accounting book. For more information, see Linking Accounting Books to an Asset.

On the Accounts subtab, select accounts to post to for this asset type:

The following account fields are available only if your account subsidiary is set to France.

Maintenance Subtab

On the Maintenance subtab, provide maintenance information for this asset type:

Other Methods Subtab


The Other Methods subtab will be available on the Asset Type record when the asset type has been created.

On the Other Methods subtab, default alternate depreciation (for analysis only) can be assigned to the asset, with different asset lifetimes and residual values. This enables tax reporting or corporate reporting methods to be tracked on the asset. These values are calculated automatically during asset depreciation but do not generate financial transactions.

To add an alternate depreciation method to an asset type:

  1. Go to Fixed Assets > Setup > Asset Type.

  2. Click the View or Edit link of the asset type.

  3. On the Other Methods subtab, click New FAM Default Alt Depreciation.

  4. On the FAM Default Alt Depreciation page, select an Accounting Book and Alternate Method. The available methods for selection include only those that you have set up in Fixed Assets > Setup > Alternate Methods.

    When you select an Alternate Method, the other fields are automatically populated:

    • Depreciation Method – Sourced from Alternate Method record.

    • Convention – Sourced from Alternate Method record.

      Averaging conventions determine the treatment of depreciation during the first year of an asset's depreciation. Conventions are supported for alternate methods only, and the default value is None. If the depreciation period is monthly, the supported convention is Mid-Month. If the depreciation period is annually, the supported conventions are Half Year and Mid-Quarter. If the convention is set to Mid-Quarter, the asset will start depreciating for half of the first quarter, regardless of when in that period the asset came into service.


      If the Convention value is set to None, depreciation processing will follow the depreciation rule selected in the parent asset record. For details on the depreciation rules, see General Subtab.

    • Asset Life – Sourced from Alternate Method record.

    • Financial Year Start – Sourced from Alternate Method record.

    • Period Convention – Sourced from Alternate Method record.

    • Depreciation Period – Sourced from Depreciation Method record.

    • Subsidiary – Sourced from the Alternate Method record.

    • Residual Percentage – Must be entered in the Other Methods of the Asset Type.

  5. Click Save.

Lifetimes Subtab

On the Lifetimes subtab, click New FAM Lifetimes to enter location-specific defaults for the asset type. This will default the Asset Lifetimes for the main (accounting) method based on the location of the asset.

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