Fixed Assets Saved Searches

The Fixed Assets Management SuiteApp provides the following saved searches that you can customize and export. These are available at Fixed Assets > Searches.


To customize a saved search, open the saved search from Fixed Assets > Searches, and then click Edit this Search.

For more information about Saved Searches, see Saved Searches.

The following saved searches are also available at Lists > Search > Saved Searches:

Lease Accounting Reports

The following saved searches are available for Lease Accounting:

  • Lease Liability Detail Report — This report shows details about the lease liability. You can filter the reporting period based on the lease start date, accounting book, or subsidiary. The report shows the current period by default, but the user can define the date range.

    The following information is available in the lease liability detail report:

    • Lease Start Date

    • Number (Document Number)

    • Transaction

    • Lease Liability Account

    • Lease Company

    • Total Lease Liability

    • Total Interest

  • Right-of-Use Asset Listing Report — This report shows a list of all leased assets. You can filter the report to show assets under an operating or finance lease.

    The following information is available in the right-of-use asset listing report:

    • ID

    • Asset Name

    • Lease Start Date

    • Lease End Date

    • Lease Term

    • Total Net Present Value

    • Total Lease Payments

    • Finance Lease

  • Short Term Lease Liability Report — This report shows details for short term lease liability, which is the sum of the principal amount for the current fiscal year.

    The report shows active leases with the following information for the current fiscal year:

    • Lease Liability Account

    • Lease Company (Vendor)

    • Asset

    • Sum of Liability (Principal)

  • Long Term Lease Liability Report — This report shows the details for long term lease liability, which is the sum of the principal amount on or after the start of the next fiscal year.

    The report shows active leases with the following information for the next fiscal year:

    • Lease Liability Account

    • Lease Company

    • Asset

    • Principal

When customizing FAM saved searches or creating a custom search for FAM records, make sure the following fields are sourced from the Asset Values record:

Check the Results tab on your custom saved search to ensure that the fields are sourced from the correct record. Otherwise, your saved search may return values that are not accurate.

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