Google Universal Analytics


Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has replaced Google Universal Analytics (GAU) as Google’s cross-platform Analytics solution. All standard GUA properties stopped processing new hits on July 1, 2023. 360 Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits on July 1, 2024. See Google Analytics 4 for information about GA4, including information about migrating from GUA to GA4.

Google Universal Analytics is a third party analytics solution that can help you evaluate traffic on your website using data based on visitor tracking information.


The URL for parent and child matrix items is the same and will be tracked as the same by Google Universal Analytics.

To track visitor activity on your site, Google Universal Analytic can be implemented in the following areas:

After Google Analytics is enabled and configured, each page hit in the shopping area of your site is tracked. For the checkout area of the site, each item in the cart is tracked. When the order is completed, details of the order such as store name, shipping, state, country, and so forth are also tracked.


Do not implement the Google Universal Analytics module if you use Google Universal Analytics in Google Tag Manager because this causes duplicate tracking results. See Google Tag Manager for more information about Google Tag Manager.

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