Transition Conditions

You can create different types of transitions, depending on the conditions of the transition. In addition to specifying a condition using the Condition Builder or using custom formulas to define conditions, the Saved Search, Workflow and State, Button, and Delay and Unit properties can also be used to define when a transition executes.


If you define multiple conditions for a transition, all the conditions must evaluate to true for the transition to execute.

The following table describes the transition conditions:

Transition Condition


Condition built with Condition Builder

Use the Condition Builder to create a transition condition.

For information about the Condition Builder, see Defining a Condition with the Condition Builder.

Custom formula

Conditions built using formula values that are evaluated when the workflow instance runs. For more information about custom formulas, see Defining a Condition with Formulas.

Saved search

Use a saved search as a condition for transition execution. The transition executes if the current record in the workflow meets the criteria in the saved search.

For more information, see Executing a Transition with a Saved Search Condition.

Transition on button click

Transition to another state based on the click of a button on the current record. You must add the button with the Add Button action before you can select it in this dropdown list. For more information, see Using Buttons to Execute Transitions.

Transition based on another workflow or workflow state

Use the completion of another workflow or another workflow state as a condition for a transition.

For more information, see Specifying States for Child Workflow Transitions.

Schedule a transition

Schedule a transition to execute on a delayed period of time after the record enters the state.

For more information, see Scheduling a Transition.

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