Editing a State

Edit an existing state to change state properties or create or edit existing workflow elements. Edit a state to make changes to the following workflow elements:

To edit a state:

  1. If you have not already done so, open the workflow that contains the state that you want to edit.

  2. Select the state in the diagrammer and click the Edit icon on the State tab in the context panel.

  3. Edit the following state properties:




    Name of the workflow that contains the state. This field is not editable.


    Name of the state. If you edit the name of an existing state, the Workflow History subtab shows states that changed names while the workflow runs. See Deleted and Renamed States.

    Script ID

    Custom script ID for the state. NetSuite prepends workflowstate to the value. To edit this field, see Editing a Workflow State Script ID.


    Optional description for the state.

    Do Not Exit Workflow

    Indicates that the workflow instance does not terminate when the workflow completes the actions in this state.

    If you create a transition from this state to another state, this property is disabled. Also, this property is disabled if there is a transition from this state to another state.

    For more information about using this property, see Non-Exiting Workflow States.

    Start State

    If checked, indicates that this is the entry state in a workflow. This field is disabled if it is the current start state for the workflow.

    If you create a transition to this state, or if you enable this property for another state, NetSuite unchecks this property.

  4. To make changes to actions, on the Actions subtab, click Edit next to an existing action. For more information, see Working with Actions.

  5. To make changes to transitions, on the Transitions subtab, click Edit next to an existing transition. For more information, Working with Transitions.

  6. To make changes to custom fields, on the Fields subtab, click the field name to edit it.

  7. Click Save save the changes to the state.

Editing a Workflow State Script ID

When you create a state, NetSuite automatically assigns the state a script ID. Change the script ID to use the script ID as a reference to the state in a script.

The script ID must be must be lowercase. It cannot include spaces or exceed 27 characters. NetSuite prepends workflowstate to the value when you save the changes.

To edit the script ID for a workflow state:

  1. If you have not already done so, open the workflow that contains the state that you want to edit.

  2. Select the state in the diagrammer and click the Edit icon on the State tab in the context panel.

  3. Click Change ID.

    A portion of the context panel with the Change ID button highlighted.
  4. In the Change Script ID window, enter a new scipt ID. You can prepend an underscore (_) for readability.

    A portion of the Change Script ID window showing the new script ID field.
  5. Click Save.

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