Working with States

A workflow can contain as many states as determined by the business process implemented in the workflow. Every NetSuite workflow must contain at least one state. Workflows containing no states cannot be initiated to run for a record, even if the workflow is set to Running. A workflow can have only one start state, called the entry state. It can have multiple end states, called exit states. A workflow with only one state is also known as a single state workflow.

For an overview of states and state functionality in SuiteFlow, see Workflow States and SuiteFlow Trigger Execution Model.

After you create a workflow, the Workflow Manager creates a default state, State 1. You can edit this state to change the properties and add actions, transitions, and state fields. You can also create additional states or delete existing states. A workflow must have at least two states before you can create transitions. You can create all the states required by the business process first, and then edit the states and create transitions between the states.


As you lay out the workflow and add states, you can use the diagrammer to drag and drop states to reflect the flow of the business process.

The following table describes where you can get more information about working with states:


For more information

Creating a state in a workflow

Creating a State

Editing existing state

Editing a State

Deleting a state and the effects on subsequent workflow instances

Deleting a State

Creating a state field

Creating and Using State Fields

Working with exit states

Exit States

Creating a non-exiting state

Non-Exiting Workflow States

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