Changing an Employee’s Security Role

Follow these steps to adjust a NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) security role assignment. This can be used for permanent assignments or to temporarily assign a sales associate/cashier to a manager role to cover a shift. You can reverse temporary assignments later by following these same steps.

To change a role assignment in NSPOS:

  1. Press Ctrl+F12.

  2. Search for edit operator.

  3. Tap Edit Operator.

  4. Search for the new operator by last name or open an operator group.

  5. Tap the operator record to open.

  6. Tap the Operator Role browse icon and select the new role.

  7. Tap Done.


You can also perform this task using the Manager Functions button. By default, this button is located on the main (bottom) button bar in the Journal window. Your company’s custom setup might have the button in a different location or removed it.

Related Topics

Employees and NSPOS
Setting up a New Employee
Assisting Employees with Lockouts and Passwords
Disabling an Employee’s Access to NSPOS
Inactivating an Employee in NetSuite ERP
Configuring Password Requirements by Role in NSPOS 2019.1.X or later
Working with the optional Time Clock in NSPOS

General Notices