Setting Advanced SaaS Metrics Preferences


An administrator must be the one to set the SuiteApp preferences. When saving the SuiteApp preferences there are background processes that require full SuiteScript permissions and are not recommended to be granted to a SaaS Admin user role.

SuiteApp preferences define where and how to source information for processing and inclusion in the SaaS Metrics dashboard.

Before setting SuiteApp preferences, be sure to set items in transaction records as renewable. For more information, see Setting an Item as Renewable.

To set the Advanced SaaS Metrics preferences:


If you changed something in your existing data and you want it to be included in the next run of the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script, change the date in the SaaS Metrics Start Date field to at least a day after the date previously set in the SaaS Metrics Start Date field and then click Save.

For example, if the previous date in the SaaS Metrics Start Date field is Jan. 1, 2024, change the date to Jan. 2, 2024 and then click Save. This action deletes existing contract transactions and recreates transactions from the new set date. If you want to include transactions before the new set date, you can change the date again to an earlier date after the script has finished processing. This re-triggers the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script to process contract transactions for earlier dates without deleting the already created contract transactions.

  1. Go to Reports > SaaS Metrics > Dashboard.

  2. On the left pane, click Preferences.

  3. In the Source Preferences section, set preferences for the source record.

    1. In the Primary Record field, select the primary record where the SuiteApp sources information for the SaaS Metrics dashboard.

      For example, if you select sales order as the primary record, all sales orders with items that are set as renewable and fall within the start and end dates set in the SuiteApp preferences, will be processed by the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script and included in the SaaS Metrics dashboard computations.

      • The SuiteApp only accepts one primary record type at a time. You can either select sales order, invoice, or CSV import. For example, if you select sales order, the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script does not process invoices, regardless if the invoices have items that are set as renewable.

      • If you change the primary or secondary record, all existing field mappings are erased and you have to do them again.

        While the script deletes or processes contract transaction records, the values in the SaaS Metrics dashboard may not be up to date until the script has finished processing or deleting records.

      • If you select sales order or invoice as the primary record and the processed sales order or invoice is deleted from the system after the SuiteApp preferences are saved, all generated contract transactions for the sales order or invoice are also deleted. Data in the SaaS Contract Transaction Record and in the dashboard for the deleted sales order or invoice are also erased.

    2. In the Primary Record Dataset field, select a dataset to use for the primary record.

      The dataset must contain the fields of the primary record that are used in the Source Record Field Mapping table. You can use the default dataset for the primary record or create another one.

      If you have a custom field that you want to use, such as a field that you want to map to establish direct field linkage, you must create a dataset for the primary record that includes the custom field. For more information about direct field linkage and renewal scenarios, see Contract Renewals in Advanced SaaS Metrics. For more information about datasets, see Defining a Dataset.

    3. In the Secondary Record field, select the secondary record where the SuiteApp sources information for the SaaS Metrics dashboard.

      In instances where there are separate information in fields that are available in custom records, you can use a secondary record. Secondary records are custom records the primary record references that contain some of the contract details.

      Only custom records appear in the list of secondary records.

      If you select a secondary record in this field, you must deploy a script so that any changes to secondary records are processed by the SuiteApp. For more information about the script for the secondary record, see Deploying Script for Secondary Records.

      Leave this field blank if you do not have a secondary record.

    4. In the Secondary Record Dataset field, select a dataset to use for the secondary record.

      You must create a dataset for the secondary record. The dataset must contain the fields of the secondary record that are used in the Source Record Field Mapping table. For more information about datasets, see Defining a Dataset.

      Leave this field blank if you do not use a secondary record.

    5. Check the Use Direct Field Linkage box to directly link related contracts to each other.

      Direct field linkage lets you manually link related contracts using a custom field.

      When you check the Use Direct Field Linkage box, the Original Contract Link field name mapping is required.

      You must map the Original Contract Link field to the custom field in the source record that determines the original contract. The original contract is where other contracts are being renewed from.

      If you do not use direct field linkage, the SuiteApp automatically predicts which contracts are related to each other based on the start and end dates, customer, item, and other relevant information.

      For more information about renewal scenarios, see Contract Renewals in Advanced SaaS Metrics.


      If you change the value in the Use Direct Field Linkage box, related contract transactions records are set to unprocessed and will be processed again. It may take a while for the reprocessing of contracts to finish.

      While the script reprocesses transaction records, the values in the SaaS Metrics dashboard may not be up to date until the script has finished reprocessing.

    6. In the Status Record field, select the source record of the status being used in the primary record.

      For example, if the primary record is a transaction, the source record must be Transaction Status.

    7. In the Status to Include field, select the statuses of the primary record that you want to include when getting transactions for processing by the SuiteApp. To select multiple statuses, press and hold the Shift key. The statuses you can select depend on the Status Record field entry.

      If you do not select a value in the Status to Include field, all transaction statuses for the primary record are considered and processed by the SuiteApp.

      If the primary record status has changed throughout the transaction, the SuiteApp only processes the initial status selected in the Status to Include field. For example, if you selected a status of Pending Approval and the status has changed to Approved, the SuiteApp only considers the transaction when the status is Pending Approval. The transaction is ignored for processing by the SuiteApp in other transaction statuses.

    8. In the SaaS Metrics Start Date field, select a start date for transactions. Transactions that start on or after this date are processed by the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script.

      It is best practice to select a start date within the current year. The SaaS Metrics dashboard only displays data for up to 12 months from the current month.

      You can also use this field to control the volume of transactions that will be processed by the SuiteApp. Selecting a date that is closer to the current date allows the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script to process fewer transactions. Selecting a date in the distant past may cause the SuiteApp to process irrelevant transactions. If the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script has more transactions to process, it may take a while and values in the SaaS Metrics dashboard may not be up to date until the script has finished processing.

  4. In the Source Record Field Mapping table, specify field mappings for the source record. Field mappings determine what fields in the source record are used for processing by the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script. The following are the columns in the Source Record Field Mapping table and their descriptions:

    • Field Name – This column contains predetermined fields that have to be mapped to the fields in the source record.

      Fields marked with an asterisk are required fields that must have mappings.

    • Source Record – Select the source record in this column. You can select a primary or secondary record.

    • Source Field – Select the field names in the source record to map to the predetermined field names. The field names in this column are from the selected primary record or secondary record dataset.

      For example, map the field name Transaction Currency to the Currency field in your source record.

    The following table describes the field names that have to be mapped to the fields in the source record.

    Field Name



    Map this field to the Customer field in the source record.

    For example, the Customer field is typically mapped to the Entity field in the sales order.


    Map this field to the Item field in the source record.

    Reference Contract

    Map this field to the reference contract field in the source record.

    This is a required field if you selected a secondary record. Map this field to the field that links the primary record to the secondary record.

    You must create a custom reference contract field in the sales order or invoice to map to this field. For more information about creating a custom field, see Creating a Custom Field.

    Start Date

    Map this field to the contract start date field in the source record.


    Ensure that the Start Date field in the source record has a valid value for transactions to be processed and included in the SaaS Metrics dashboard computations.

    End Date

    Map this field to the contract end date field in the source record.


    Ensure that the End Date field in the source record has a valid value for transactions to be processed and included in the SaaS Metrics dashboard computations.

    Transaction Amount

    Map this field to the line amount field in the source record.

    For sales orders and invoices, map this field to the Transaction Lines: Amount (Net) field.


    There is no built-in field for taxed amounts using datasets. If you want to map amounts with tax, you can use a script to include tax amounts with the original amount and the information stored in a custom field. The custom field can then be added in the primary or secondary record dataset and then mapped to this field.

    Transaction Currency

    Map this field to the transaction currency field in the source record.

    Original Contract Link

    Map this field to the custom field in the source record that determines the original contract. The original contract is where other contracts are being renewed from.

    You must create that custom field. For more information about creating a custom field, see Creating a Custom Field.

    This field mapping is required if you are using direct field linkage. Direct field linkage means you are manually linking related contracts using a custom field.


    Map this field to the subsidiary field in the source record.


    Map this field to the class field in the source record.


    Map this field to the department field in the source record.


    Map this field to the location field in the source record.

  5. Click Save.

    After saving the SuiteApp preferences, contract transaction records are automatically created through the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script. The values in the SaaS Metrics dashboard may not be up to date until the script has finished processing records.


    Before saving the SuiteApp preferences, make sure the values and mappings you select are correct. The initial processing of contracts may take a while to complete depending on the volume of your company's data.

    It takes about 8 hours to process 16,000 records during the initial run of the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script. The script can approximately process 2000 contract lines per hour. Multiple scripts are also triggered when the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script is run.

    The processing time can be reduced by running multiple processors in parallel with a SuiteCloud Plus license. For more information, see SuiteCloud Processors.

    There is no need to manually run the SaaS MR Create Contract Transaction script after saving preferences. The script is automatically triggered after saving the SuiteApp preferences.

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