Entering Marketing Information on the Customer Record
The Marketing subtab holds all of the information related to your company's marketing efforts with a customer.
The fields and subtabs available under the Marketing subtab depend on the features enabled in your account and the permissions in your user role. Some common subtabs are included in this topic, but others are documented with the feature that adds them.
To enter marketing information:
Open the customer record for editing, and click the Marketing subtab.
Under Lead Information, provide information in the following fields as appropriate and available:
Campaign Category – Select the type of campaign used with this customer.
For information, see Campaign Categories
Lead Source – Select how this customer was referred to your company.
The selections in this field are based on the campaign category you selected.
If you have enabled the Marketing Automation feature, the Lead Source list contains marketing campaign events.
If you do not use the Marketing Automation feature, you can create new lead sources if your role includes the setup permission CRM Lists. For information, see Lead Sources.
Campaign Event – Select the specific campaign event that introduced the customer to your business.
If an online customer form was associated with an event, the event is selected automatically when the customer completes the form.
For more information, see Managing Campaigns and its subtopics.
Web Lead – This read-only field is set to Yes if this customer record was created by registering through your website.
Source Web Site – This read-only field shows the website where the customer registered for a customer account.
If the Marketing Automation feature is enabled, the Marketing subtab includes two subtabs to use as follows:
On the Subscriptions subtab, complete the following fields:
Global Subscription Status – Select the status for this customer.
If this customer has not subscribed or unsubscribed to campaigns, you can set this status to Soft Opt-In or Soft Opt-Out. If this status is set to Confirmed Opt-Out, you cannot change the status.
For more information on global subscription statuses, see Subscription Management.
Note:Some jurisdictions have regulations regarding whether you can contact entities if you do not have their explicit permission to do so. You should check that your global subscription status adheres to the regulations in the recipient’s jurisdiction.
If you use the Subscription Categories feature, check the box in the Subscribed column next to each category this customer is subscribed to.
On the Campaign subtab, click Add Response to open a popup window and enter the customer’s response to a campaign manually.
For instructions, see Entering Campaign Responses.
Click Save when you have finished updating the customer record.