Printing a Statement

You can print a customer statement to send to a customer.

Your administrator can customize the layout of your printed forms using advanced PDF/HTML templates. For more information, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

Click a link below for more information about printing a statement:

Bulk Printing Statements

Follow this procedure to print many statements at one time.

To bulk print statements:

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • Customers > Accounts Receivable > Print Checks and Forms. On the Printing page, click Statements.

    • Customers > Accounts Receivable > Generate Statements.

  2. In the Statement Date field, accept or enter the date you want to appear on your statements.


    The system also uses this date to calculate aging.

  3. (Optional) Enter a start date for your statements.

    This is the date of the oldest transaction you want to appear on the statement.

    If you do not enter a start date, the Balance Forward does not appear and all transactions in the customer's history appear on the statement.

  4. (Optional) If you want to generate statements for customers with no outstanding balances, check the Include Zero Balances box.

  5. (Optional) If you want to include only open transactions, check the Show Only Open Transactions box.

    If you choose to show only open transactions and do not include a start date, the statement includes all open transactions in your customer's history.


    The Show Only Open Transaction option is most useful for statements printed as of your current today date. If you select Show Only Open Transactions and are using a date other that today’s date, you may have balance discrepancies.

  6. If you use the Consolidated Payments feature, check the Consolidated Statements box to print out statements showing the overall balance for the customer-subcustomer hierarchies customers are a part of. Clear this box to print a statement showing only the balance for this customer.

    For more information, see Consolidated Payments.

  7. Choose customers to receive statements. You can click the box at the top to select all customers in the list. Click the box again to clear the box for all customers.

    Click Customize to customize the list to filter the customers listed or to add or remove columns.

  8. When you are finished, click Print.

Printing Individual Statements

Follow this procedure to print a single statement.

To print an individual statement:

  1. Go to Customers > Accounts Receivable > Individual Statement.

  2. Select the customer you want to generate and print a statement for.

  3. In the Statement Date field, accept or enter the date you want to appear on the statement.

  4. In the Start Date field, set the date of the earliest transactions you want to show on this statement. Leave this field blank if you want to show all transactions for this customer.

  5. If you use the Consolidated Payments feature, check the Consolidated Statement box to print out a statement showing the overall balance for the customer-subcustomer hierarchy this customer is a part of. Clear this box to print a statement showing only the balance for this customer.

    For more information, see Consolidated Payments.

  6. Generate the statement:

    • Click Print to print the statement.

    • Click Email to email the statement.

      To email the statement, the customer must already have an email address entered in the customer's record.

    • Click Fax to fax the statement.


      Each customer must also have a fax number entered on the customer's record.

Related Topics:

General Notices