Printing Mini Statements

You can print a mini-statement at the bottom of invoices that show the customer's current balance and aging totals. This is the same information that shows at the bottom of regular customer statements.


If you use the Consolidated Payments feature, mini-statements show the consolidated balance and aging amounts for individual customers instead of the consolidated balance. For more information, see Consolidated Payments.

To print the mini-statement in HTML or PDF layout, you must first customize your invoice transaction form. If you choose to print in PDF Layout, you must also set your PDF form layout to do so.

To customize invoices to print mini-statements:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms (Administrator).

  2. Click Customize next to the form you want to add the mini-statement to.

  3. On the new Custom Transaction Form page, in the Name field, enter a name for the new custom form.

  4. Check the Form is Preferred box.

  5. Choose Basic to set the printing type.

  6. Click the Printing Fields subtab.

  7. On the Printing Fields subtab, click the Footer subtab, and check the Print/Email box for Aging:Current.

  8. Click Save.

Now, invoices can print the mini-statement in HTML format. If you do not print statements in PDF format, you do not need to take additional steps.

To print mini-statements on invoices using PDF format, you must use a PDF transaction form layout that includes statement aging fields. You can select a standard layout or customize a standard layout.

To set your PDF form to print mini-statements:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Form PDF Layouts (administrator).

  2. Select a PDF transaction form layout that includes statement aging fields:

    • To select a standard layout, check the Preferred box next to the layout you choose. There are four layouts that include statement aging fields:

      • Standard Aging Invoice Layout

      • Classic Aging Invoice Layout

      • Standard Aging/Disclaimer Invoice Layout

      • Classic Aging/Disclaimer Invoice Layout

    • To customize a layout, click Customize next to one of the four layouts that include statement aging fields. Then, enter your customization choices for the layout and check the Layout is Preferred box.

  3. Click Save or Submit.

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General Notices