Refunding an Authorized Customer Return

When a return has been approved, a credit for the return is in the form of either a credit memo or a cash refund, depending on the type of return authorization you created.

If you use the Advanced Receiving feature, you receive the returned items before you can credit the amount to customers. If you receive only parts of an authorized return, you credit customers for only what you received.

To credit a return to a customer:

  1. Go to Transactions > Customers > Refund Returns (Administrator).

  2. Select the customer.

    All open return authorizations for this customer appear at the bottom of the page.

  3. If you want to select a return by return number, under Filters, scan or enter that number in the Select Return Number field.

  4. In the Credit/Refund column, check the return you want to credit.

  5. Click Submit.

    A credit memo or a cash refund transaction appears, depending on the type of return authorization you created.

  6. Check the information and make any changes you need.

    If you want to place this refund or credit memo in a queue for printing later, check the To Be Printed box.

  7. Click Save.

Now, the amount of the return is credited to your customer.

To print a credit memo, go to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms > Credit Memos (Administrator) and click Credit Memos.

To print a cash refund, go to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms > Receipts (Administrator) and click Receipts.


You cannot delete credit memos you have refunded.

Refund in Advance of Receipt

You can also choose to refund a return before it is received by enabling the Refund in Advance of Return preference. For information about enabling this preference, read Preferences for Customer Returns.


When this preference is disabled, orders that include only receivable items do not show in the refund list. However, orders that contain items that are not receivable will show in the refund list immediately upon approval because those items are eligible to be refunded.

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General Notices